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2023-10-12 09:21 -ABC  -  391753























这位名叫阿里·巴拉卡(Ali Baraka)的官员在本周早些时候发布的一次采访中告诉俄罗斯国家控制的RT网络,哈马斯为这次袭击做了准备,而以色列认为它正忙于治理加沙。

Israel-Gaza live updates: Gaza without power as death toll continues to mount

At least 1,200 people have died and 2,900 others have been injured in Israel after themilitant group Hamaslaunched anunprecedented incursion from air, land and sea on Saturday, Israeli authorities said.

Hamas fired thousands of rockets toward Israel and an estimated 1,000 fighters crossed into the country from the neighboring Gaza Strip. Israeli officials said at least 100 civilians and soldiers have been taken hostage.

The Israel Defense Forces has since declared "a state of alert for war" and launched retaliatory airstrikes onGaza, a 140-square-mile territorywhere 2 million Palestinians have lived under a blockade imposed by neighboring Israel and Egypt since Hamas seized power in 2007. Palestinian authorities said at least 1,100 people have died and another 5,339 have been injured in Gaza since Saturday. Unlike Israel, the Gaza Strip has no air raid sirens or bomb shelters.

Health services in Gaza have reached 'critical stage'

Hospitals in Gaza are working at full capacity and have run out of space for those "wounded from Israeli airstrikes" to be treated, the Palestinian-Gaza Strip Ministry of Health said in a press release Wednesday.

The Ministry called for urgent action to be taken to provide safe passage for medical supplies and to transfer the wounded. Health services have reached a critical stage, according to the release, with "medicines, medical consumables and fuel" expected to run out imminently.

IDF talks to David Muir about possible ground incursion

An Israel Defense Forces spokesperson addressed a possible ground incursion in an interview with David Muir, as the "World News Tonight" anchor reports from Israel.

IDF Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus told Muir Wednesday that the "carnage" in the kibbutz of Be'eri, where more than 100 bodies were found, "definitely put things into perspective."

Following Hamas' attack, 360,000 Israeli reservists have been called up and tanks and soldiers are amassing on the Gaza border.

"One could deduce that from the troops that we have called up that it is what they will be tasked to do," Conricus told Muir, adding that at the end of the war, Hamas "won't have the military ability to kill or hurt Israeli civilians ever again."

Asked whether there was any scenario where a ground incursion would not happen, Conricus responded that it's "difficult to say."

"I personally don't think so. But that matters less," he said. "Our job is to be prepared and have all the troops ready for whatever assignment and however it is decided to implement them."

Where diplomatic efforts to free hostages stand

Two U.S. officials familiar with the diplomatic efforts to free hostages told ABC News it appears that allies and partners in the Middle East in communication with Hamas are being helpful in advocating for their release.

The officials say Hamas has shown no real willingness to partake in diplomacy up to this point.

Hamas’ designation as a foreign terrorist organization also complicates any negotiations involving the U.S., because the official label makes it illegal for any American to knowingly provide "material support or resources," which includes personnel.

Deputy Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs Steve Gillen is among the U.S. delegation en route to Israel with the Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

In remarks earlier Wednesday, President Joe Bidensaid"there's a lot we're doing" to bring the hostages home.

"In the days ahead we're gonna continue to work closely with our partners in Israel and around the world,” he said.

Hamas official claims they planned attack for 2 years: Report

A Hamas official in Lebanon claimed in an interview with Russian state media that the terrorist group planned Saturday's attack on Israel for two years.

The official, Ali Baraka, told the Russian state-controlled network RT in an interview posted earlier this week that Hamas prepared for the attack while Israel believed it was busy governing Gaza.






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