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2023-11-08 10:16 -ABC  -  394665





我在新泽西州关注的一场比赛是在第三立法区,共和党州参议员埃德·杜尔(Ed Durr)在击败强大的州参议院主席史蒂夫·斯威尼(Steve Sweeney)两年后再次竞选连任。杜尔曾是一名卡车司机,那年他几乎没有花一分钱,他的胜利动摇了该州的政治权力平衡。今年,他面临着来自前州议员约翰·布尔齐切利的激烈挑战。据《纽约时报》报道,在统计了一半多一点的预期选票后,布尔齐切利以62%对38%的选票领先杜尔。


ABC新闻预测贝希尔将赢得肯塔基州州长的连任。在全国大选中,肯塔基州一直是可靠的共和党人,特朗普在2020年以近26个百分点的优势赢得了该州。但是贝希尔很受该州选民的欢迎,在筹款方面遥遥领先。投票率为53%对47 %,预计投票率为83%。肯塔基州是一个独特的案例,但这可能会给担心拜登支持率的民主党人在总统竞选季之前带来情绪上的提振。





Gov. Andy Beshear projected to win Kentucky: Live election results and analysis

Welcome to election night 2023! Polls are open today in at least 37 states, and Americans have been casting their votes on everything from governorships to local referenda. 538 analysts will be here throughout the evening to bring you live updates and analysis from races across the country.

We’ll be closely tracking returns in some of today’s biggest races, including governor’s races in Kentucky and Mississippi; state-legislative contests in Virginia, New Jersey and Mississippi; Ohio’s ballot question on whether to codify the right to abortion; a Supreme Court contest in Pennsylvania; and a handful of congressional and state-legislative special elections.

We’ll also be keeping an eye on down-ballot and local contests, like mayoral and school board elections, and we’ll be digging deeper on what these results mean — or don’t mean — for Democrats, Republicans and, of course, the 2024 election.

More New Jersey votes coming in

One race I'm watching in New Jersey is in the 3rd Legislative District, where Republican state Sen. Ed Durr is running for re-election two years after he pulled off the upset of the year by defeating powerful state Senate President Steve Sweeney. Durr, a former truck driver, spent barely any money that year and his win rocked the balance of political power in the state. This year, he's facing a spirited challenge from former state Assemblyman John Burzichelli. With a little more than half the expected votes counted, per the New York Times, Burzichelli leads Durr, 62 to 38 percent.

Beshear projected to win reelection in Kentucky

ABC News projects that Beshear will win re-election as governor of Kentucky. In national elections Kentucky has been reliably Republican, and Trump won the state by nearly 26 points in 2020. But Beshear has been popular with the state's voters and way ahead in fundraising. The vote stands at 53 to 47 percent, with 83 percent of the expected vote in. Kentucky is a unique case, but this could give Democrats, worried about Biden's favorability numbers, an emotional boost ahead of the presidential campaign season.

Virginia Democrats positioned to hold onto state Senate

Well, right on cue Nathaniel: It seems Democrat Russet Perry probably has the upper hand on Republican Juan Pablo Segura in the 31st Senate District. Most of the remaining vote appears to be mail ballots, based ondata from the Virginia Public Access Project, which are more likely to be Democratic-leaning because of the partisan split in preferred voting methodin the post-2020 world. Along with the seeming Democratic edge in the GOP-held 16th District, this would be enough to give Democrats 21 of 40 seats in the state Senate — should results hold.

More on Virginia Senate District 16

Geoffrey, as you wrote inyour preview of the Virginia legislative races, Senate District 16 may have been Democrats’ easiest pickup opportunity in the state Senate. Although it had a GOP incumbent, the district voted for Democrats by 6 points in the 2021 governor’s race and 10 points in 2022 House races. The real test for the party will be winning that 21st seat. Perhaps their best bet is Senate District 31 in the D.C. exurbs, where they currently lead 51 percent to 49 percent.






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