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2023-11-23 11:19 -ABC  -  298644










PHOTO: The Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls was closed in both directions, Nov. 22, 2023, due to an incident involving a vehicle.


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周三早些时候,布法罗和伊利堡公共桥梁管理局总经理Ron Rienas告诉美国广播公司新闻,尼亚加拉河上的所有四座加美桥梁都出于谨慎而关闭,而彩虹桥调查仍在继续。


据白宫称,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)已经听取了爆炸的简报,并正在密切关注事态的发展。加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多通知加拿大议会,他们正在调查这一事件。


美国秒国土安全部的Alejandro Mayorkas在X上发布了一份声明,重申该事件似乎与恐怖主义无关。






Rainbow Bridge: No evidence crash, explosion was terrorist attack, Gov. says

Gov. Kathy Hochul said there is no evidence that the crash and explosion Wednesday on the U.S. side of the Rainbow Bridge, which connects the U.S. to Canada at Niagara Falls, New York, was a terrorist attack.

She also told reporters at a news conference said there was no indication any explosives were found at the scene.

Earlier on Wednesday, a vehicle sped toward a border checkpoint at the U.S. side of the bridge, hit a booth, exploded and went airborne, Hochul said.

"You actually had to look at it and say, 'Was this generated by A.I.?' because it was so surreal to see how high in the air this vehicle went and then the crash and explosion and the fire," she said.

The driver and passenger were killed, according to the governor. One of the victims was a western New York resident, Hochul said.

One booth agent was injured in the incident and was treated for their injuries at a hospital. They were released later in the day Hochul said.

"It was a very congested area," Hochul said, adding, "It could have been very cataclysmic."

Hochul said that the investigation would take some time as much of the vehicle was destroyed and debris was scattered over 13 booths.

"There is not a license plate," she said.

Investigators have found some sort of suitcase or briefcase on the scene, sources told ABC News. They were treating it as a possible explosive device as a precaution and the bomb squad is handling the package.

The Rainbow Bridge has remained closed for the day in the wake of the incident, according to Hochul.

The Peace, Queenston-Lewiston and Whirlpool-Rapids Bridges in Canada reopened to traffic in both directions later in the evening.

Earlier on Wednesday, Ron Rienas, the general manager of the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority, told ABC News all four Canada-U.S. bridges over the Niagara River had been closed out of an abundance of caution while the Rainbow Bridge investigation continues.

The Buffalo Niagara International Airport said it would increase security, with car checks and additional screenings for travelers.

President Joe Biden has been briefed on the explosion and is closely following developments, according to the White House. Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau informed the country's parliament they were looking into the incident.

"We are taking this extraordinarily seriously," Trudeau said. "We are following up to try and get as many answers as rapidly as possible. … Additional measures are being contemplated and activated at all border crossings across the country."

U.S. Sec. of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas posted a statement on X also reiterating that the incident does not appear to be terror-related.

"We will continue to closely coordinate with state and local officials," he said.

In Toronto, the police department said it's increasing patrols out of an abundance of caution.

In New York City, Mayor Eric Adams said he's also monitoring the incident.

Adams said the NYPD has already enhanced security for Thanksgiving "so the public will see increased security at locations across New York City, including entry and egress points into and out of the city."






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