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2023-11-24 10:41 -ABC  -  189263






“这笔交易已经达成,现在依然如此。双方正在制定最后的后勤细节,特别是执行第一天的细节。我们认为,在人质开始回家的时候,不应该有任何侥幸心理。我们的首要目标是确保他们安全回家。国家安全委员会发言人阿德里安娜·沃森(Adrienne Watson)周三晚些时候在发布被推迟后的一份声明中说:“这是正确的,我们希望周五早上开始实施。”。


PHOTO: President Joe Biden crosses his fingers while responding to a question about the release of Hamas hostages after a visit to the Nantucket Fire Department on Thanksgiving November 23, 2023 in Nantucket, Mass.


Brendan Smialowski/法新社







“上周晚些时候发生了重大变化,拜登总统首先与内塔尼亚胡总理进行了会谈,然后与卡塔尔埃米尔进行了会谈,讨论用多少人质、多少天来交换多少巴勒斯坦囚犯。他周三在美国广播公司(ABC)的《早安美国》(Good Morning America)节目中说,正是细化这些细节的工作最终产生了突破,我们现在看到的突破是宣布暂停敌对行动,并首次释放人质囚犯





Biden says 'fingers crossed' for hostage release as officials describe his role, backstory

President Joe Biden said Thursday he's keeping his fingers crossed that 3-year-old Abigail Mor Edan will be among the hostages released by Hamas Friday, but did not offer any other updates on the delay.

"I'm not prepared to give you an update until it's done," Biden said as he lifted his hands and crossed his fingers.

When asked about the American girl possibly being among those hostages, Biden said, "keeping my fingers crossed."

He said he might talk about the hostages Friday, he told reporters in Massachusetts where he's spending the Thanksgiving holiday with his family in Nantucket.

Earlier, the White House said the U.S. remains "hopeful" that the release of hostages by Hamas in Gaza willbegin on Friday morning,as the parties work out "final logistical details."

"The deal was agreed and remains agreed. The parties are working out final logistical details particularly for the first day of implementation. It is our view that nothing should be left to chance as the hostages begin coming home. Our primary objective is to ensure that they are brought home safely. That is on track and we are hopeful that implementation will begin on Friday morning," National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement late Wednesday after the release was delayed.

Biden has called the leaders of Israel, Egypt and Qatar, staying in close contact with them, officials said,to ensure the deal gets carried through to the end.

Senior administration officials said the president has been very hands-on in the negotiation that they said has been as an "extremely excruciating process."

Officials, on background, described how, for weeks, Biden has been working the phones with regional leaders -- personally urging Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar to press Hamas to accept the deal and for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to do the same.

In the early days of the crisis, officials described what they called a "secret cell" of top Biden aides who worked behind the scenes with Israel and Qatar -- which has been acting as an intermediary.

Officials described the release of two Americans last month as a test of whether this secret cell could deliver. From there, they worked on a broader deal. Negotiations stalled several times, they said, and, at one point, Hamas even broke off talks.

U.S. officials say it is Biden's diplomatic pressure that's been critical to getting this deal together.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said the key to getting the deal done was getting both sides to "get specific."

"The big move happened late last week when President Biden spoke first with Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu and then with the emir of Qatar, to say how many hostages, for how many days, in return for how many Palestinian prisoners. And it was really the work to refine those details that finally produced the breakthrough that we now see resulting in the announcement of a pause in hostilities, and the first return of prisoners of hostages," he said Wednesday on ABC's "Good Morning America."

At the same time, he noted the fragility of the deal. "Until we actually see them come out, be in the arms of their loved ones, get home safely, we cannot be fully confident," he said. "So, we are going to wait, as the families are waiting, with bated breath, until they come out and then until every last American comes out."

While thecurrent dealis expected to include the release of three Americans -- two women and a the 3-year-old girl whose parents were killed by Hamas -- there are still several Americans unaccounted for, and many hostages not included in the deal.

While the initial agreement designates a four-day pause in the fighting for the release of about 50 hostages -- women and children in exchange for about 150 Palestinian women and teenagers held in Israeli jails, U.S. officials said they and Biden will keep on pushing for the release of all hostages beyond that -- with the agreement calling for the truce to possibly be extended. (Netanyahu has said the Israel's war on Hamas will continue after any hostage releases.)

"If Hamas wants that pause to continue, it has to produce additional hostages. That was not the terms of the deal even two to three weeks ago. And that's because Hamas is under pressure. We structured this deal in a way that incentivizes the release of all hostages. So the 50 up front. We are hopeful we can have this continue as more hostages come home," Brett McGurk, the White House coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, told MSNBC Wednesday.






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