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2023-11-24 10:50 -ABC  -  238301


特朗普,他的儿子们埃里克·特朗普和小唐纳德·特朗普。,以及特朗普公司的其他高管被纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)指控参与了一项长达十年的计划,在该计划中,他们使用“大量欺诈和虚假陈述行为”来夸大特朗普的净资产,以获得更优惠的贷款条款。该案件的法官做出裁决后,审判就开始了部分简易判决特朗普提交了对其资产的“欺诈性估值”,让审判来决定其他行动以及被告应该受到的惩罚(如果有的话)。



法官亚瑟·恩戈伦(Arthur Engoron)的律师也在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)民事欺诈案的审判中提出支持禁言令,认为自禁言令取消以来,暴力威胁有所增加。

这一有限的禁言令禁止唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和他的律师公开评论Engoron的员工,是特朗普在社交媒体上发布关于法官的法律助理的消息后,法官于上个月发布的。上诉庭第一部的法官大卫·弗里德曼(David Friedman)周四维持了这一命令,理由是对特朗普言论自由权的宪法担忧。

Engoron的文件包括纽约州法院系统公共安全部司法威胁评估小组的Charles Hollon的一份报告。报道称,自特朗普开始批评格林菲尔德以来,恩戈伦和他的首席法律助理艾利森·格林菲尔德(Allison Greenfield)一直被可信的、暴力的和反犹太主义的威胁淹没。







Engoron的律师Lisa Evans表示,Hollon的证词中详细描述的威胁证明了封口令的合理性,封口令是对言论自由的合理限制。




纽约总检察长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)的律师在周三的一份法庭文件中主张,在上诉法院上周暂时取消该命令后,维持法官的有限言论自由。

限制言论令禁止唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和他的律师公开评论阿瑟·恩戈伦(Arthur Engoron)法官的工作人员,该禁令是特朗普在社交媒体上发布关于法官法律助理的消息后,由法官于上个月发布的。上诉庭第一部的法官大卫·弗里德曼(David Friedman)周四维持了这一命令,理由是对特朗普言论自由权的宪法担忧。









在为辩护作证两天后,前特朗普组织控制员杰夫·麦康奈尔(Jeff McConney)走下证人席。




前特朗普组织负责人杰夫·麦康奈尔(Jeff McConney)在接受盘问时作证说,他认为埃里克·特朗普(Eric Trump)应该在2021年审查他父亲的财务状况声明。

“你认为埃里克·特朗普应该审查财务状况报告?”州检察官安德鲁·阿梅尔(Andrew Amer)在给麦康奈尔看了他的笔记后问道,笔记上写着“埃里克应该审查SOFC”


埃里克·特朗普(Eric Trump)作证时,将这些声明描述为特朗普集团会计师的责任。


Trump fraud trial updates: Judge, NY AG argue for limited gag order in court filings

Former President Donald Trump is on trial in New York in a$250 million civil lawsuitthat could alter the personal fortune and real estate empire that helped propel Trump to the White House.

Trump, his sonsEric Trump and and Donald Trump Jr., and other top Trump Organization executives are accused by New York Attorney General Letitia James of engaging in a decade-long scheme in which they used "numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentation" to inflate Trump's net worth in order get more favorable loan terms. The trial comes after the judge in the case ruled in apartial summary judgmentthat Trump had submitted "fraudulent valuations" for his assets, leaving the trial to determine additional actions and what penalty, if any, the defendants should receive.

The former president has denied all wrongdoing and his attorneys have argued that Trump's alleged inflated valuations were a product of his business skill.

Judge and clerk subject to daily threats, official says in filing to support gag order

An attorney for Judge Arthur Engoron also filed in support of the gag order in Donald Trump's civil fraud trial, arguing that violent threats have increased since the gag order was lifted.

The limited gag order, which prohibited Donald Trump and his attorneys from publicly commenting about Engoron's staff, was issued by the judge last month after Trump posted about the judge's law clerk on social media. Judge David Friedman of the appellate division's First Department stayed the order on Thursday, citing constitutional concerns over Trump's free speech rights.

Engoron's filing includes a report from Charles Hollon of the Judicial Threats Assessment Unit of the New York State Court System’s Department of Public Safety. According to the report, Engoron and his principal law clerk, Allison Greenfield, have been inundated with credible, violent and antisemitic threats since Trump began criticizing Greenfield.

"The threats against Justice Engoron and Ms. Greenfield are considered to be serious and credible and not hypothetical or speculative," Hollon wrote in the report.

Greenfield has been the victim of daily doxing of her personal email address and phone number, receiving dozens of calls, emails and social media messages daily, according to Hollon. Approximately half the harassing messages have been antisemitic, according to Greenfield.

In the report, Hollon wrote that Engoron was the subject of credible threats before the trial had started, but Trump's Oct. 3 Truth Social post directed at Greenfield exponentially increased the number of threats directed at her.

The report included multiple examples of voicemails that were left on the telephone in Engoron’s chambers.

Hollon said the messages have created an "ongoing security risk" for Engoron, his staff and family, but that the gag order had been effective in lowering the number of threats.

“The implementation of the limited gag orders resulted in a decrease in the number of threats, harassment and disparaging messages that the judge and his staff received,” Hollon said in the report. “However, when Mr. Trump violated the gag orders, the number of threatening, harassing and disparaging messages increased.”

Engoron’s lawyer, Lisa Evans, said the threats detailed in Hollon's affirmation justify the gag order, which functions as a reasonable limit on free speech.

"The First Amendment does not prohibit courts from limiting speech that threatens the safety of the court’s staff," Evans wrote.

Trump's reply to the filing is due on Nov. 27, after which the First Department will decide whether to fully lift the gag order.

NY AG argues for limited gag order in court filing

A lawyer for New York Attorney General Letitia James, in a court filing Wednesday, argued in favor of maintaining the judge's limited gag after an appeals court temporarily lifted the order last week.

The limited gag order, which prohibited Donald Trump and his attorneys from publicly commenting about Judge Arthur Engoron's staff, was issued by the judge last month after Trump posted about the judge's law clerk on social media. Judge David Friedman of the appellate division's First Department stayed the order on Thursday, citing constitutional concerns over Trump's free speech rights.

James' court filing Wednesday alleges that Trump and his lawyers continue to harass Engoron’s law clerk "as part of an improper tactic to disrupt trial and undermine the proceedings."

James said the gag order is a necessary and "exceedingly limited restraint" to protect Engoron’s staff, and Trump’s lawyers failed to prove that attacks on judicial staff during a trial are protected by the First Amendment.

"A speedy denial is necessary to ensure the safety of [the] Supreme Court's staff and the integrity and the orderly administration of the proceedings through the end of the trial," James wrote, describing Trump's attacks as "extraordinary and dangerous."

Arguing that Trump has engaged in a "pattern" of attacking civil servants involved in proceedings against him, James cited his attacks on the former lieutenant governor of Georgia, as well as officials in his federal election interference case. She also mentioned Trump’s renewed attacks against the clerk over the last week since the gag order was lifted, including calling for her prosecution, sharing an article suggesting she engaged in drug use, and describing her as "crooked and highly partisan."

Trump's lawyers have defended such attacks as constitutionally protected speech and argued that Engoron failed to articulate how the attacks present a "clear and present danger" to the clerk.

Trump personally sued Engoron last week using a provision of state law called Article 78, which is generally used to challenge New York government agencies. Trump unsuccessfully attempted to use an Article 78 proceeding on the eve of the trial to delay the proceeding; however, his most recent attempt successfully resulted in a temporary stay of the gag order.

Trump's reply to the filing is due on Nov. 27, after which the First Department will decide whether to fully lift the gag order.

Court adjourns for extended Thanksgiving break

After two days of testimony for the defense, former Trump Organization controller Jeff McConney stepped off the witness stand.

Judge Arthur Engoron then adjourned court until Monday.

When court resumes after the Thanksgiving break, the defense plans to call two Trump Organization executives, followed by several Deutsche Bank employees.

McConney suggested that Eric Trump review 2021 statement

Former Trump Organization controller Jeff McConney, on cross-examination, testified that he thought Eric Trump should review his father's statement of financial condition in 2021.

"You thought Eric Trump should review the statement of financial condition?" state attorney Andrew Amer asked after showing McConney his notes indicating "Eric should review SOFC."

"That was my thought," McConney said.

When Eric Trump testified, he described the statements as the responsibility of the Trump Organization's accountants.

"I never had anything to do with the statement of financial condition," Eric Trump testified, before partially walking back his statement to say, regardingnotes that McConney requestedfrom him, "I don't think that it ever registered it was for a personal statement of financial condition."






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