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2023-12-04 09:42 -ABC  -  459827

美国移民制度的重大变化将成为对以色列和乌克兰军事援助的一部分共和党俄克拉荷马州参议员詹姆斯·兰克福德(James Lankford)周日预测,国会将在年底前最终确定这一计划。








PHOTO: Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) speaks on border security and Title 42 during a press conference at the Capitol on May 11, 2023 in Washington, DC.


Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images,文件




斯特凡诺普洛斯多次单独向兰克福德施压,要求他在2024年大选中是否支持前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),如果特朗普是共和党提名人的话——鉴于特朗普的众多法律问题和争议,包括对上次总统竞选的毫无根据的攻击,并建议部分宪法应该结束。







Immigration changes will be part of military aid package for Israel and Ukraine: Lankford

Major changes to America's immigration systemwill be part of a military aid package for Israel and Ukrainethat will be finalized in Congress by year's end, Republican Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford predicted on Sunday.

"We've got to actually bring a proposal forward that will actually make that difference, that could actually reform how we handle asylum ... from top to bottom, that we can actually handle how we're actually handling the process of all those individuals," Lankford, who is leading GOP senators in negotiations on the border, told ABC "This Week" anchor George Stephanopoulos.

The Biden administration has proposed tens of billions of dollars for Israel and Ukraine in their respective wars as well as $14 billion for border security. But amid continued high immigration numbers at the southern border, GOP lawmakers have said those funds must be tied to policy changes like with the asylum system.

When pressed by Stephanopoulos if he would support overseas aid without substantial border legislation also included, Lankford replied, "No. We're going to do this all together."

"There's a reason that this hasn't been done in decades, because it's hard. It's very technical work, and there's a lot of challenges that are in it. And any time you deal with border security, there are a lot of complicating features in this. ... But the most important thing is to be able to get this right," Lankford said.

"People want a legal, orderly process, not the chaos that we currently have on our southern border," he argued, adding, "That shouldn't be too tall of an order to be able to fulfill."

Lankford cited some of the record-breaking statistics for migrants encountered at the southern border.

"This continues to spiral out of control," he said.

White House spokesman John Kirby, also appearing on "This Week," said that Congress had "basically ignored" President Joe Biden's previous immigration reform plan.

He reitarerated that the administration wants itsroughly $100 billion funding requestaddressed immediately.

And, Kirby said, "If they're serious about immigration reform, they ought to take that proposal up by the president."

Lankford was separately pressed multiple times by Stephanopoulos on whether he will support former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election, if Trump is the Republican nominee -- given Trump's numerous legal issues and controversies, including baseless attacks on the last presidential race and suggesting parts of the Constitution should be ended.

"That's not going to be me making that decision, that's going to be the American people that actually make that decision," Lankford initially said.

Asked again by Stephanopoulos, he said, "I've stayed out of this. Again, there's gonna be Republican voters and the American people that are going to make that decision."

When Stephanopoulos followed up for an answer, Lankford indicated that he would ultimately back Trump over Democratic President Joe Biden.

"If he ends up being the nominee, and I've got a choice between Donald Trump and Biden, I've got a choice between two different sets of policies .... That is not a hard choice," he said.

Stephanopoulos asked if Lankford would support Trump if Trump were convicted of one of the 91 felony counts that he is currently facing. (Trump denies wrongdoing.)

"We have a long way to go on that, George ... I understand that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in this process," Lankford said.






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