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2023-12-04 09:46 -ABC  -  390311


克里斯蒂安·齐格勒周六向州共和党人发送了这份声明,称他和他的妻子布里奇特·齐格勒(Bridget Ziegler)成为目标,因为他们是“如此响亮的政治声音”。他的妻子共同创立了保守派团体“母亲争取自由”。罗恩·德桑蒂斯在佛罗里达的学校里减少性教育。






DeSantis发言人Jeremy Redfern周日没有回复就齐格勒拒绝辞职一事寻求评论的电话和短信。


Bridget Ziegler也是萨拉索塔县学校董事会的当选成员,并被DeSantis任命为现在监管华特·迪士尼世界土地开发的董事会成员。在公司反对他限制学校性教育的法案后,德桑蒂斯去年通过立法解散了迪士尼控制的董事会。

调查性新闻机构佛罗里达政府问责中心(Florida Center for Government account ability)获得了一份警方报告和详细说明这些指控的搜查证宣誓书后,对克里斯蒂安齐格勒(Christian Ziegler)的强奸指控于上周公开。







Florida Republican chairman won't resign over rape allegation, saying he is innocent

__FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. --The chair of Florida's Republican Party says he will not resign over a woman's allegation that he raped her, saying in an email to supporters that he is innocent. He did not address any specifics of the accusation that has roiled the state's conservative politics.

Christian Ziegler sent the statement to state Republicans on Saturday, saying that he and his wife, Bridget Ziegler, are being targeted because they are “such loud political voices.” His wife co-founded the conservative group Moms for Liberty, which has led a campaign with Gov.Ron DeSantisto roll back sex education in Florida schools.

DeSantis said last week that while Christian Ziegler is innocent until proven guilty, he should resign to avoid becoming a distraction to their party. Ziegler insists he won't quit.

“We have a country to save and I am not going to let false allegations of a crime put that mission on the bench as I wait for this process to wrap up,” wrote Ziegler, 40. A longtime GOP activist, he ascended to the state party's top post in February.

No charges have been filed against Ziegler, but the Sarasota Police investigation remains open. The accuser, who has known Christian Ziegler for 20 years, told police in October that he forced his way into her apartment and raped her, according to search warrant affidavits filed by police.

In his Saturday email, Ziegler did not address having told detectives that he did have sex with the woman but that it was consensual. He also didn't address his wife telling detectives that the couple and the woman had group sex once, more than a year ago.

“My family is rock solid. My wife is behind me 150% and we have methods in place to protect our (three) children, just as we have with all previous attacks that we have faced,” Christian Ziegler wrote. The Zieglers did not return calls and text messages Sunday seeking further comment.

DeSantis spokesman Jeremy Redfern did not return a call and text message Sunday seeking comment on Ziegler’s refusal to resign.

The police avadavits saying that the Zieglers had group sex with a woman have led Democrats and gay rights leaders to accuse the couple of hypocrisy, given that an organization Bridget Ziegler cofounded — Moms for Liberty — has joined DeSantis and the Florida GOP in pushing back against LGBTQ+ causes.

Bridget Ziegler is also an elected member of the Sarasota County school board and was appointed by DeSantis to the board that now oversees Walt Disney World’s land development. DeSantis pushed through legislation last year disbanding a Disney-controlled board after the company opposed his bill that limits sex education in schools.

The rape accusation against Christian Ziegler became public last week after the Florida Center for Government Accountability, an investigative news organization, obtained a police report and the search warrant affidavits detailing the allegations.

The accuser's name is redacted in the documents. The Associated Press does not name possible victims ofsexual assaultwithout their permission.

According to text messages cited in the affidavit, the woman and the Zieglers had planned to again have group sex on Oct. 2, but the woman backed out after Bridget Ziegler “couldn't make it.”

The woman says she found Christian Ziegler in her apartment's hallway later that day, that he pushed her inside and then raped her.

In text and phone conversations monitored by investigators, Ziegler offered the woman “financial help” before becoming suspicious that they were being recorded.

In a Nov. 2 interview with detectives, Ziegler said the sex was consensual and that he had recorded it. He said he deleted the video, then recovered it after the rape allegation surfaced.

Detectives seized Christian Ziegler’s phone on Nov. 2, the affidavits say. None of what they have found has been made public.






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