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2023-12-07 11:08 -ABC  -  557507


这场辩论由NewsNation主办,伊莉莎白·巴尔加斯、梅根·凯利和艾丽亚娜·约翰逊主持,佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯、前联合国大使妮基·黑利、前新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂和商人维韦克·拉马斯瓦米参加了辩论。初选的领跑者、前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)尽管受到竞争对手的批评,但仍继续跳过辩论。他在佛罗里达筹款。


















Republican debate live updates: Christie slams Ramaswamy, says Trump is biggest issue in the race

With voting set to start in the 2024 Republican primary in less than six weeks, four of the top candidates have againtaken the stage for a debate-- this time on Wednesday night in Tuscaloosa, Alabama -- and the ongoing event has already been fiery.

Hosted by NewsNation and moderated by Elizabeth Vargas, Megyn Kelly and Eliana Johnson, the debate features Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. The primary's front-runner, former President Donald Trump, continues to skip the debates despite criticism from his rivals. He's fundraising in Florida.

ABC News and the analysts at 538 are live-blogging every major moment and highlight from the debate. PolitiFact will make real-time fact checks of key statements.

Fact-check: Haley on sentiment toward Hamas among young people

As she called for a ban on TikTok, Haley said, “We now know that 50% of adults 18-to-25 think that Hamas was warranted in what they did with Israel. That’s a problem.”

WhenPolitiFact checked the pollsin early November, we found a Harvard-Harris survey that found 48% of American 18-to-24 year olds said they sided with Hamas after the Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel that Israeli officials say killed 1,200 people.

However, that poll was based on a subsample of 199 people with a large margin of error.

The responses to other questions were also inconsistent with that view. Respondents in the subgroup said, by 2-1 margins, that Hamas’ Oct. 7 action "was a terrorist attack"; that the attacks "were genocidal in nature"; that Israel has "a responsibility" to retaliate "against Hamas terrorists"; and that Hamas "is a terror group that rules Gaza with force and fear and is not supported by them."

Three other polls found lower rates of support for Hamas, we reported.

Americans view Taiwan as important, but would oppose putting US troops on the ground

Recent polling found that Americans believe Taiwan is an ally and important to U.S. security. In September,the Chicago Council on Global Affairs foundthat 65% of Americans felt that the country's security relationship with Taiwan does more to strengthen national security than weaken it. And large majorities backed supporting Taiwan in different ways if China were to invade the self-governing island, save sending U.S. forces to the theater. Overall, 78% of Americans would want the U.S. to airlift food and medicine to Taiwan, 75% would want economic and diplomatic sanctions on China and 62% would want the U.S. to send more arms and military supplies to Taiwan. But in terms of military intervention, half said they would support using the U.S. Navy to break a blockade, while 56% opposed sending U.S. troops to Taiwan.

Ramaswamy, Christie say they’d defend Taiwan if invaded; Haley, DeSantis less clear

Ramswamy defended his position that the U.S. should arm the Taiwanese people with assault-style weapons, despite a Taiwanese zero-gun policy, and added the U.S. should “for the foreseeable future” promise to defend the self-governing island from China, which claims it as its own.

Ramaswamy drew a contrast with DeSantis, who hewed closer to the strategic ambiguity behind America’s longstanding deterrence posture. Haley, separately, said America must continue to defend Ukraine as a signal to Beijing that it can’t attack Taiwan and said the U.S. should not depend on China for national security.

Christie said he would engage militarily if Taiwan is invaded by China.

'America right now is acting like it's Sept. 10': Haley

Asked what threats she worries could blindside the U.S. amid what federal officials have called a heightened threat level during the Israel-Hamas war, Haley focused on "foreign infiltration."

"America right now is acting like it's Sept. 10. We better remember what Sept. 12 felt like, because it only takes one," she said.

"We've got to get the foreign infiltration out of our country -- whether it's in our schools, whether it's on our social media, we need to stop all foreign lobbying that's happening to members of Congress, and we need to start securing America again," she continued.






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