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2023-12-08 10:47 -ABC  -  249301






PHOTO: Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., is seen in the U.S. Capitol before being censured by by the House , Dec. 7, 2023.

2023年12月7日,纽约州民主党众议员贾马尔·鲍曼(Jamaal Bowman)在被众议院谴责前出现在美国国会大厦。


密歇根州共和党众议员丽莎·麦克莱恩(Lisa McClain)周二介绍了这项谴责决议,并给予众议院两天的立法时间对其进行投票。



众议院少数党领袖、纽约州民主党人哈基姆·杰弗里斯(Hakeem Jeffries)周四表示,共和党人正在使用指责等策略来转移对该党面临的更大问题的注意力,包括他们的多数席位不断下降。






House censures Rep. Jamaal Bowman for falsely pulling fire alarm


The House voted Thursday to censure Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman ofNew Yorkfor falsely pulling a fire alarm in a House office building in September.

The final vote was 214-191 with five members voting present. Three Democrats voted with Republicans to censure Bowman.

After the vote, Bowman stood in the well of the House surrounded by a large group of Democrats who hugged him in support.


The New York congressman was caught on video pulling the fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building on Sept. 30 -- the day the House voted on funding the government. He laterpleaded guilty to a misdemeanor chargefor falsely triggering the alarm.

Thursday vote happened after a Democratic motion to table -- or kill --the censure resolution failedby a vote of 201-216 Wednesday evening.

Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., introduced the censure resolution as privileged on Tuesday -- giving the House two legislative days to vote on it.

Bowman is the fifth House member censured in the 21st century, joining Reps. Charles Rangel, Paul Gosar, Adam Schiff and -- most recently -- Rashida Tlaib. Three of these censures have happened in 2023 under this GOP majority. Bowman would become the 27th House member censured in U.S. history, according to the Office of the House Historian.

Historically, censuring a House member is rare, but has been more recently used as a political tool.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Thursday that Republicans are using tactics such as censuring to distract from bigger issues the party is facing -- including their decreasing majority.

"They want to hide their extreme right-wing agenda from the American people. And that's why we continue to see censure resolution after censure resolution being brought to the floor. And next week, we're going to waste time on an illegitimate impeachment inquiry targeting President Biden and his family."

During fiery House floor debate on the censure resolution Wednesday evening, Jeffries defended Bowman and said the House is "wasting time talking about fire alarms."

Jeffries even dared House Republicans to censure him.

"Going after Democrats repeatedly week after week after week, because you have nothing better to do -- then I volunteer. Censure me next. Censure me next. That's how worthless your censure effort is. It has no credibility, no integrity, no legitimacy. Censure me next. And I'll take that censure and I'll wear it -- next week, next month, next year -- like a badge of honor," Jeffries said.






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