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2023-12-08 10:49 -ABC  -  294259

虽然大多数2024年的主要总统候选人在辩论台上互相竞争周三晚上,在阿拉巴马州的塔斯卡卢萨,前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)花了一天时间参加他的竞选筹款活动和支持他竞选连任的超级政治行动委员会(super PAC)。


相反,他在最后两场辩论中举行了大型集会,并在周三与一小群密友和富有的支持者在佛罗里达州哈兰代尔海滩的私人高尔夫俱乐部壳牌湾俱乐部(Shell Bay Club)打高尔夫球和吃饭。


两场筹款活动都由特朗普的朋友霍华德·洛伯(Howard Lorber)、克里斯汀·贝尔(Kristin Bell)和史蒂夫·维特科夫(Steve Witkoff)主持,后者最近在纽约民事审判中作为专家辩护证人作证,特朗普被指控夸大其财产的价值。(他否认有不当行为。)

特朗普的前国家情报总监里克·格雷内尔(Ric Grenell)也参加了超级政治行动委员会(super PAC)的筹款活动。



特朗普的朋友比尔·怀特(Bill White)周三晚上参加了超级政治行动委员会(super PAC)组织的一场晚宴,作为其筹款活动的一部分,他形容这是一个“特殊”的夜晚,周围是一群不同的朋友和支持者。







另一场筹款活动是为竞选和拯救美国政治行动委员会(Save America PAC)举办的,也是在壳牌湾俱乐部(Shell Bay Club),根据活动邀请函,门票为2.3万美元,包括一场招待会和与前总统合影的机会。

At fundraisers while skipping GOP debate, Trump lays out some plans for potential 2nd term

While most of the major 2024 presidential candidateswere competing against each other on the debate stagein Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on Wednesday night, former President Donald Trump spent the day attending fundraisers for his campaign and a super PAC supporting his reelection bid.

Trump has continued to opt out of the debates, despite sharp criticism from his rivals, as he argues he sees no point in joining them on stage and facing questions -- and their attacks -- given his large polling lead.

Instead, he has held big rallies for the last two debates and on Wednesday went golfing and dining with a smaller group of close friends and wealthy supporters at Shell Bay Club -- a private golf club in Hallandale Beach, Florida.

Two separate fundraisers took place at Shell Bay Club on Wednesday, one for his campaign and his Save America political action committee, and another for pro-Trump super PAC Make America Great Again Inc.

Both fundraisers were hosted by Trump friends Howard Lorber, Kristin Bell and Steve Witkoff, the latter of whom recently testified as an expert defense witness in the New York civil trial in which Trump is accused of inflating the value of his properties. (He denies wrongdoing.)

The fundraisers come as major Republican donors that were reluctant to support Trump earlier this cycle or were sitting on the sidelinesgradually come back to himas he continues to maintain his popularity with the Republican base, despite his many controversies and legal troubles. He has pleaded not guilty in four criminal cases.

Anti-Trump donorshave also been dividedamong the various other candidates in the primary, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Bill White, a friend of Trump who attended a dinner organized by the super PAC as part of its fundraiser on Wednesday night, described the occasion as a "special" night surrounded by a diverse group of friends and supporters.

"I've been to a 100 of these things in in my life with Donald Trump, and it was one of the most meaningful ones I've ever attended," White said of the fundraiser, while calling the debate a “complete waste of time.”

White said Trump's remarks at the fundraiser laid out some of his plans for a possible second term -- repeating some of his stump speech from the campaign trail about closing the borders, ending involvement in foreign conflicts and "jump starting" the economy.

Trump also again questioned Biden’s mental and physical health, which Biden has defended, and attacked Biden's economic and foreign policies, among others, White said.

He boasted about Trump's speech, labeling it "electric" and "forward looking," and maintained that he was "just so inspired" that he donated more money that night.

However, Trumpalso recently stirred controversy, including criticism from primary rival Chris Christie, for telling Sean Hannity this week that he'd only be a "dictator" if reelected as president on "Day 1," when he'd focus on the border and drilling.

White, who helps raise money for both the Trump campaign and the super PAC, said he could not disclose how much the super PAC raised on Wednesday night but called it "another record number."

The other fundraiser, for the campaign and Save America PAC, also at Shell Bay Club, was ticketed at $23,000, including a reception and a photo opportunity with the former president, according to an invitation for the event.






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