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2023-12-14 10:15 -ABC  -  160320













Ruby Freeman擦干眼泪,描述了她被迫离开家两个月,最终不得不搬出去,因为她被错误地指控操纵选票后受到了威胁。











Giuliani defamation trial: Election worker testifies 'I was terrorized' by conspiracy threats

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is on trial in Washington, D.C., this week fordefaming Georgia election workersRuby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Giuliani, acting on behalf of former President Donald Trump, accused the mother and daughter ofcommitting election fraudwhile the two were counting ballots on Election Day in Georgia's Fulton County.

U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell in Augustawarded a default judgmentto the two women, leaving this week's trial to determine the full scope of the damages and any penalties Giuliani will have to pay. Freeman and Moss are seeking between $15.5 million and $43 million.

Giuliani disavows racist messages

Leaving court, Rudy Giuliani said he had nothing do to with theracially charged messagesto Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss that were presented in court.

"I had nothing to do with any of those," Giuliani told reporters.

"My name isn't there. It doesn't refer to me," the former mayor said. "I don't even know who those people are."

Moss, Freeman rest their case

Ruby Freeman stepped down from the witness stand after almost 90 minutes of emotional testimony as the final witness in her and her daughter's case against Rudy Giuliani.

The defense rested its case, and Judge Howell sent jurors home for the day.

Court was subsequently adjourned until tomorrow, when the defense is scheduled to present its case.

Giuliani is expected to take the stand.

Freeman tearfully testifies she left her home due to threats

Wiping away tears, Ruby Freeman described being forced to leave her house for two months -- and ultimately having to move out -- because of the threats she received after she was falsely accused of manipulating ballots.

Freeman said she was advised to leave her home by the FBI. She then stayed in different Airbnbs.

"I couldn't stay at home," Freeman said. "I was just too scared and my neighbors were having to watch out for me."

Freeman sobbed as she recounted how she lost the ability to use her name in her new home. She said she is too scared to introduce herself to her neighbors.

"I have a home but I can't do anything," Freeman said.

Freeman calls Trump's call to Georgia officials 'mean' and 'evil'

Then-President Donald Trump invoked Ruby Freeman's name more than a dozen times in his infamous phone call to Georgia officials on Jan. 2, 2021, when Trump implored Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to"find" enough votesto win him the state.

After an audio recording of the call was later made public, Freeman described hearing her name come out of the mouth of the "most powerful person on Earth," as her attorney characterized Trump.

"Where's Ruby?" Trump could be heard asking Raffensperger, referring to an expression that was then trending online.

"I just felt like, 'Really?'" Freeman testified. "The president, talking about me? Me? How mean, how evil."

"I just was devastated," she said. "It made me feel like, you don't care that I'm a real person."






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