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2023-12-18 11:36 -ABC  -  315313

新罕布什尔州达勒姆新罕布什尔州达勒姆(美联社)——唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)希望新罕布什尔州帮助他在2024年竞选的首场比赛中找到立足点之前获得共和党总统候选人提名。










在集会之前,特朗普的竞选团队宣布了前州参议院主席查克·莫尔斯(Chuck Morse)的支持,他现在正在竞选州长。莫尔斯去年竞选美国参议员,但在初选中输给了一位与特朗普关系更密切的候选人,他告诉人群,现在是共和党人“团结在一位不仅能获胜,而且能为我们国家完成任务的候选人周围的时候了。”


州长克里斯·苏努努(Chris Sununu)周二支持哈利,他正在与德桑蒂斯竞争,以成为特朗普的合理替代者。经常批评特朗普的苏努努(Sununu)放弃了2024年的白宫竞选,他认为,“没有胜利之路的共和党人必须有勇气走出”他们的党内初选,以阻止特朗普。


美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)和新罕布什尔大学(University of New Hampshire)去年11月在新罕布什尔州进行的一项民意调查发现,海利位居第二,远远落后于川普,但略微领先于其他候选人德桑蒂斯和前新泽西州长克里斯·克里斯蒂。




特朗普在新罕布什尔州的辩论引起了25岁的布兰登·塞韦(Brandon Sevey)等选民的共鸣,他从附近的多佛参加了他的第一次特朗普活动。Sevey说,他做过各种零售和快餐工作,发现特朗普担任总统时更容易找到工作。另外,他喜欢特朗普的鲁莽。


___ Barrow在亚特兰大报道。爱荷华州约翰斯顿的美联社作家汉娜·芬格胡特对此报道有贡献。

Trump wants New Hampshire to put him on a path to the nomination before rivals find their footing

DURHAM, N.H. --DURHAM, N.H. (AP) — Donald Trump wants New Hampshire to help him pocket the Republican presidential nomination before any rivals find their footing with the 2024 campaign's opening contest just weeks away.

His appearance Saturday in Durham was part of a swing taking the former president through early nominating states as he cites his wide polling lead over a dwindling field of GOP hopefuls. They are trying to block his political comeback as Trump navigates multiple indictments and looks ahead to a potential rematch with President Joe Biden, the Democrat he lost to in 2020.

“We are going to win the New Hampshire primary, then we are going to crush crooked Joe Biden next November,” Trump said, reminding supporters that he ensured their state would continue to host the nation's first primary after Iowa's kickoff caucuses.

“New Hampshire is going to weed out the insincere RINOs ... Republicans in name only," Trump said, referring to rivalsRon DeSantis, the Florida governor who was endorsed by Trump in 2018, and Nikki Haley, Trump's former U.N. ambassador. Trump warned that his allies-turned-opponents “will betray you just like they betrayed me.”

The New Hampshire primary is Jan. 23, eight days after Iowa begins the nominating process on Jan. 15. Nevada and South Carolina come next in the early stages, before Super Tuesday on March 5, when the highest cumulative number of delegates are up for grabs on any single day on theelectioncalendar. The Trump campaign sees a path for him to secure the nomination before the Super Tuesday polls open.

“What’s really important from our standpoint is being able to win the early states,” senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita told Right Side Broadcasting minutes before Trump stepped on stage. “Winning Iowa, winning New Hampshire, winning Nevada, winning South Carolina – it’s over. That’s our goal.”

Trump, who has pledged to “immediately stop the invasion of our southern border” and wants to reimpose his first-term travel ban that originally targeted seven Muslim-majority countries, used harsh rhetoric in saying “we got a lot of work to do” about the rising number of migrants entering the United States. “They’re poisoning the blood of our country," he said once more on the campaign trail, echoing Adolf Hitler's language in his own political manifesto.

One of Trump's most prominent critics in the 2024 race, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, told CNN's “State of the Union” on Sunday that Trump was “dog-whistling to Americans who feel absolutely under stress and strain from the economy and from the conflicts around the world. And he’s dog-whistling to blame it on people from areas that don’t look like us.”

The focus onimmigrationcomes as the Biden administration and Congress are trying to negotiate a border security deal demanded by Republicans as part of the president's request for wartime aid for Ukraine and Israel. Biden has been criticized about the record numbers of migrants at the border and is trying address a political weakness before a potential rematch with Trump.

Before the rally, Trump's campaign announced an endorsement from former state Senate President Chuck Morse, who is now running for governor. Morse, who ran for U.S. Senate last year but lost the primary to a candidate more closely aligned with Trump, told the crowd it’s time for Republicans to “rally around a candidate who can not only win but get the job done for our country.”

“He’s done it once, and he’ll do it again,” Morse said.

Gov. Chris Sununu on Tuesday endorsed Haley, who is battling DeSantis to become a plausible alternative to Trump. Sununu, a frequent Trump critic who passed on the 2024 White House race, has argued that Republicans with “no path to victory must have the courage to get out” of their party’s primary in order to stop Trump.

Trump called Sununu a selfish “spoiled brat” who passed up a chance to win a U.S. Senate seat in 2022, then indulged his presidential aspirations but found no traction.

A New Hampshire poll conducted in November by CNN and the University of New Hampshire found that Haley was in second place, well behind Trump, but slightly ahead of fellow candidates DeSantis and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Trump has won New Hampshire’s GOP primary twice but lost the state in both of his general elections. He is confident enough in his domination of the Republican Party that he spent more time Saturday angling against Biden.

"Under the Trump administration, you were better off, your family was better off, your neighbors were better off, your communities were better off, and our country was better off. America was stronger, richer, safer, and more confident than ever when you had me behind that desk in the Oval Office,” Trump said.

DeSantis, meanwhile, didn’t shy away from mentioning Trump during stops in Iowa Saturday, criticizing him for not finishing the southern border wall and adding trillions of dollars to the national debt.

Trump's argument in New Hampshire resonated with voters like Brandon Sevey, 25, who was attending his first Trump event from nearby Dover. Sevey said he has worked a variety of retail and fast-food jobs and found it easier to find work when Trump was president. Plus, he likes Trump’s brashness.

“He’s loud and obnoxious and annoys people,” Sevey said. “But that’s what I like about him.”

___ Barrow reported from Atlanta. Associated Press writer Hannah Fingerhut in Johnston, Iowa, contributed to this report.


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