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2023-12-19 15:52 -ABC  -  567941

美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在纽约受审2 . 5亿美元的民事诉讼这可能会改变帮助特朗普入主白宫的个人财富和房地产帝国。

特朗普,他的儿子们埃里克·特朗普和小唐纳德·特朗普。,以及特朗普公司的其他高管被纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)指控参与了一项长达十年的计划,在该计划中,他们使用“大量欺诈和虚假陈述行为”来夸大特朗普的净资产,以获得更优惠的贷款条款。该案件的法官做出裁决后,审判就开始了部分简易判决特朗普提交了对其资产的“欺诈性估值”,让审判来决定其他行动以及被告应该受到的惩罚(如果有的话)。






















唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的律师在周五晚间提交的一份文件中提出了第五项动议,要求对这位前总统的欺诈案进行定向裁决,这份文件似乎注定会被驳回。

当特朗普的律师克里斯·基斯(Chris Kise)拒绝结束审判的请求时,法官阿瑟·恩戈伦(Arthur Engoron)几乎保证他会拒绝宣布他的计划在本周早些时候提交动议。




在提交的文件中,特朗普的律师针对纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)要求对特朗普处以近4亿美元的非法所得罚款,理由是该州未能证明特朗普和他的儿子们打算欺诈他的贷款人,或者他们参与了欺诈阴谋。






根据周五下午的一份新文件,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)希望纽约最高法院在他的民事欺诈审判中参与有限禁言令。




Trump fraud trial: Saying 'a lie is still a lie,' judge rejects Trump's request for directed verdict

Former President Donald Trump is on trial in New York in a $250 million civil lawsuit that could alter the personal fortune and real estate empire that helped propel Trump to the White House.

Trump, his sons Eric Trump and and Donald Trump Jr., and other top Trump Organization executives are accused by New York Attorney General Letitia James of engaging in a decade-long scheme in which they used "numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentation" to inflate Trump's net worth in order get more favorable loan terms. The trial comes after the judge in the case ruled in a partial summary judgment that Trump had submitted "fraudulent valuations" for his assets, leaving the trial to determine additional actions and what penalty, if any, the defendants should receive.

The former president has denied all wrongdoing and his attorneys have argued that Trump's alleged inflated valuations were a product of his business skill.

In blistering ruling, judge denies Trump's motion for directed verdict

Judge Arthur Engoron has denied Donald Trump's most recent motion for a directed verdict to end his civil fraud trial.

In a blistering ruling, the judge not only denied the motion but also opted to explain the flaws he sees in many of Trump's arguments at trial.

Addressing the testimony of defense accounting expert Eli Bartov, who Trump proudly and repeatedly declared found "no accounting fraud of any kind," Engoron flatly dismissed Bartov's findings by saying he lost credibility by "doggedly attempting to justify every misstatement."

"Bartov is a tenured professor, but all that his testimony proves is that for a million or so dollars, some experts will say whatever you want them to say," Engoron wrote.

The judge also rejected assertions from Trump's lawyers that any financial misstatements are beyond the case's statute of limitations.

"Closing is not a get-out-of-jail-free card for future misstatements. All that §63(12) requires is a false statement used in business; the subject financial statements fit that definition 'to a T,'" Engoron wrote.

Engoron also suggested he didn't buy Trump's argument that fining the former president for ill-gotten gains was not merited in the case because his lenders were happy with the transactions.

"That the instant lenders made millions of dollars and were happy with the transactions does not mean that they were not damaged by lending at lower interest rates than they otherwise would have," he wrote.

Calling Trump's claims "misstatements at best and fraud at worst," Engoron wrote that "Valuations, as elucidated ad nauseum in this trial, can be based on different criteria analyzed in different ways. But a lie is still a lie."

The judge ended his ruling by reminding the parties about the date for closing arguments in the case, currently set for Jan. 11.

Dec 18, 4:56 PM EST

Trump's case does not age like fine wine, NY AG lawyer says

In a letter the Judge Arthur Engoron, a lawyer for the New York attorney general said Donald Trump's most recent request for a directed verdict in the case is nothing more than a "political stunt designed to provide Mr. Trump, his co-defendants, and their counsel with sound bites for press conferences, Truth Social posts, and cable news appearances."

Trump's lawyers on Friday made their fifth motion for a directed verdict to end the case for lack of evidence, which Engoron earlier said he was all but certain to deny. The judge has rejected all four of Trump's previous motions for a directed verdict.

"Unlike a fine Bordeaux, Defendants' case for a directed verdict does not improve with age," state attorney Andrew Amer wrote in Monday's letter to the judge.

Amer also argued that Trump's request was not merited given the evidence presented at trial, saying that "Nor does any of the testimony from the most ineffective team of experts that Defendants' money can buy change the analysis."

"Defendants are once again 'whistling past the graveyard' by relying on arguments the Court has already rejected," Amer said, referring in part to Engoron's pretrial partial summary judgment ruling, in which he found that Trump used fraudulent statements to conduct business.

Dec 15, 6:27 PM EST

Trump files 5th motion for directed verdict

Donald Trump's lawyers made their fifth motion for a directed verdict in the former president's fraud trial in a filing late Friday that appears destined to be rejected.

Judge Arthur Engoron all but guaranteed he would deny the request to end the trial when Trump's lawyer Chris Kise announced his plans to file the motion earlier this week.

"There is no way I am going to grant that," Engoron said on Tuesday. "You'd be wasting your time."

Trump's lawyers nevertheless filed their motion late Friday.

"In sum, there was no fraud, there were no victims, there has simply been no harm or actionable misconduct, and the Court must and should follow the law of the case regarding the scope of the claims at issue," Trump's lawyers wrote.

In the filing, Trump's attorneys targeted New York Attorney General Letitia James' request to fine Trump nearly $400 million for ill-gotten gains by arguing that the state failed to demonstrate that Trump and his sons intended to defraud his lenders or that they engaged in a conspiracy to commit fraud.

"Not a single defense witness supported the notion of any alleged conspiracy, and in fact such testimony refuted fully the existence of the same," the lawyers wrote, calling Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, who testified about the alleged conspiracy, a "demonstrable, perpetual, and serial liar."

They also argued that James failed to prove that any of Trump's alleged misrepresentations would have materially changed the loans he received from his lenders, writing that the alleged misstatements had "no actual significance" to Trump's lenders.

All four of Trump's previous motions for a directed verdict to end the case for lack of evidence have been rejected by Judge Engoron.

Dec 15, 5:32 PM EST

Trump files notice he intends to appeal gag order decision

Donald Trump wants New York's highest court to weigh in on the limited gag order in his civil fraud trial, according to a new filing Friday afternoon.

New York's Appellate Division shot down Trump's earlier challenge Thursday, determining that Trump used the incorrect legal avenue to challenge the limited gag order, which bars him from commenting on Judge Arthur Engoron's staff.

In a notice of appeal filed Friday, Trump's lawyers said they plan to appeal the decision to the Albany-based Court of Appeals -- New York's highest court.

It's unclear if the Court of Appeals will consider the request because Trump also lost a motion for leave to appeal the gag order.






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