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法官下令立即执行佐治亚州选举工作人员对朱利安尼1 . 48亿美元的判决

2023-12-21 10:27 -ABC  -  431449





PHOTO: Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani speaks during a news conference outside the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2023.



豪厄尔补充说其他民事案件包括他的前律师罗伯特·科斯特洛(Robert Costello)和总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的儿子亨特·拜登(Michael Bloomberg)提起的诉讼——“这增加了朱利安尼隐藏其金融资产的更大动机的风险,以避免未来对他的潜在判决。”


Judge orders immediate enforcement of Georgia election workers' $148M judgment against Giuliani

A federal judge on Wednesday granted former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss' request to expedite their$148 million judgmentagainst Rudy Giuliani, saying that the mother and daughter have "good cause" to fear Giuliani may attempt to avoid paying them.

Following a week-long trial, a federal jury last week ordered Giuliani topay nearly $150 millionto the two women for defaming them with false accusations that they committed election fraud while counting ballots in Georgia's Fulton County on Election Day in 2020.

Freeman and Moss subsequently asked the judge to "permit immediate enforcement" of the judgment out of concern that the former New York City mayor could attempt to "find a way to dissipate [his] assets before plaintiffs are able to recover."

Judge Beryl Howell agreed Wednesday that Giuliani's record as an "unwilling and uncooperative litigant" provides the plaintiffs "good cause to believe that he will seek to dissipate or conceal his assets" before paying them.

Howell added thatother civil casesfiled against Giuliani -- including one filed by his former attorney, Robert Costello, and another filed by President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden -- "raise the risk that Giuliani has even greater motivation to hide his financial assets from potential future judgments against him."

If Giuliani intends to appeal the judgment, which he has indicated he plans to do, he "would have to comply with the usual requirement of a full supersedeas bond," Howell wrote, meaning that he may have to post a bond in the full amount of the judgment, Howell said.






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