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2024-02-07 13:16 -ABC  -  438421








Special counsel in Biden classified docs probe expects to issue report 'in coming days': Sources

Special counsel Robert Hur has completed his investigation into classified documents found at a number of properties associated with PresidentJoe Bidenand is expected to release his final report "in the coming days," sources familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.

No specific date has yet been set, the sources said. News of the report's upcoming release was first reported by The Washington Post.

ABC Newspreviously reportedthat the special counsel's investigation found sloppiness and other mistakes in the handling of classified documents following Biden's time in the Senate and his vice presidency -- but that the improper handling of classified documents was more likely a mistake than a criminal act.

A spokesperson for special counsel Hur's office declined to comment.

In late 2022, the White House told the National Archives that documents bearing classification markingshad been discoveredat the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C. -- the location of Biden's private office after his term as vice president expired in early 2017.

PHOTO: President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event in North Las Vegas, Feb. 4, 2024.

President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event in North Las Vegas, Feb. 4, 2024.

Stephanie Scarbrough/AP

Biden's personal attorney later informed investigators thatadditional classified recordswere identified in the garage of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home -- a development that led the Justice Department to appoint Hur as special counselto investigate further.

In all, about 25 documents marked classified were found in locations associated with Biden.






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