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2024-02-07 13:19 -ABC  -  204372


“我不敢相信会发生这种事。该法案的主要谈判代表之一、参议员克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy)周二在参议院发言时说。

墨菲和其他参议员花了几个月的时间来谈判1182.8亿美元的两党国家安全补充方案》的文章,其文本于周日晚间发布。截至周一晚上,谈判伙伴詹姆斯·兰克福德(James Lankford)承认,在周三的程序性投票中,该协议在参议院没有获得推进该协议的票数,处于崩溃的边缘。






共和党党鞭、参议员约翰·图恩(John Thune)说:“我认为公平地说,每个人都认为周三投票为时过早。”“我认为没有足够的时间是一个非常现实的问题。我认为周三的投票对我们大多数成员来说还为时过早。”








麦康奈尔没有追究前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的责任。特朗普向共和党人施加了巨大压力,要求他们拒绝该协议。他表示,支持特朗普的边境巡逻委员会支持该法案。



共和党参议员迈克·朗斯(Mike Rounds)表示,他愿意继续研究该法案,但将在周三投票阻止该法案向前推进。












'No real chance': McConnell says Senate border deal is going nowhere

The Senate's bipartisan border deal is teetering on collapse Tuesday as many Republicans say they will block the procedural vote set for later this week -- a frustrating loss for the negotiators who spent months fine-tuning the bill.

"I can't believe this is happening. This is unbelievable," Sen. Chris Murphy, one of the lead negotiators of the bill, said in a Senate floor speech Tuesday.

Murphy and other senators worked for months to negotiate the terms of the$118.28 billion bipartisan national security supplemental package, the text of which was released Sunday night. By Monday night, it was on the brink of collapse as fellow negotiator Sen. James Lankford acknowledged it didn't have the votes for it advance in the Senate in a procedural vote on Wednesday.

"What the hell just happened?" Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, said on the floor.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in a floor speech on Tuesday, said he would be willing to delay the vote -- but was skeptical it would make a difference. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said flat out that the bill is going nowhere.

In a closed-door meeting that lasted nearly 90 minutes Monday night, Republicans debated the merits of the 370-page national security supplemental, and whether or not to provide the necessary 60 votes to get to floor consideration of the bill during a key procedural vote on Wednesday.

A good chunk of the Senate Republican conference opposes this bill because they object to the policies in it. At least 19 have issued statements stating as much.

But many Senate Republicans, including those moderates who would likely be necessary to getting 60 votes to proceed during the upcoming test vote, left the meeting saying they won't greenlight moving it forward -- not because of policy -- but because they don't believe they've had sufficient time to review the technically complex border provisions.

"I think it's fair to say everybody thinks that, you know, voting Wednesday is voting too soon," said Sen. John Thune, the Republican Whip. "I think there's a very real concern that there hasn't been adequate time. And I think the Wednesday vote is going to be for most our members too early."

In floor remarks Tuesday, Schumer lambasted Republicans for their plans to block the the bill from advancing during an upcoming procedural vote.

"After months of good faith negotiations, after months of giving Republicans many of the things they asked for, Leader McConnell and the Republican conference are ready to kill the national security supplemental package, even with the border provisions they so fervently demanded," Schumer said.

Schumer said the GOP decision to reject the bill represents a "dramatic transformation in Republican thought." He said Senate Republicans and House Speaker Mike Johnson have "moved the goal posts" on negotiations.

"This is the new Republican line on the border: It's an emergency, but it can wait 12 months or until the end of time. What utter bunk," Schumer said.

Schumer said he'd be comfortable delaying the vote -- though he cast doubts on Republicans' motives for wanting the vote postponed.

"I will even offer to delay that vote until some time on Thursday to give even more time for Senators to make up their mind, but I suspect they won't accept even that offer because they don't really want more time, they're just using it as an excuse," Schumer said.

PHOTO: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks during a news conference on border security, following the Senate policy luncheon at the Capitol, in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 6, 2024.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks during a news conference on border security, following...Show moreundefined

Jose Luis Magana/AP

On Tuesday afternoon, McConnell put the nail in the coffin: "It looks to me and most of our members that we have no real chance here to make a law."

McConnell did not go after former President Donald Trump, who put immense pressure on Republicans to reject the deal, saying that the Border Patrol Council, which supported Trump, backed the bill.

"I think in the end, even though the product was approved by the Border Council that endorsed President Trump, most of our members feel that we're not going to be able to make law here. And if we're not going to be able to make a law, they're reluctant to go forward," McConnell said.

On Monday night, a number of moderate senators who would be needed to get to 60 votes said they would vote no on moving forward if the vote is held on Wednesday.

Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., said he'd be amenable to continuing to work on the bill, but will vote to block it from moving forward on Wednesday.

"I think we said to begin with we wanted time. I still think we want time," Rounds said.

Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, agreed.

"Clearly a bill of this magnitude being brought to the floor in 48 hours is really rushing it, so that's another element that we talked in there, which in my view is problematic," Sullivan said.

Even Lankford may choose to vote against proceeding on Wednesday if the rest of his conference isn't ready to move forward.

"I'm listening to the rest of the conference on this," Lankford said. "If the conference is not ready to be able to move on it, there's no reason for me to be able to vote on cloture. That's not voting against the bill."

Hours after the bill text was release Sunday, Speaker Mike Johnson shot it down, saying in a statement that thebill is "dead on arrival"and "even worse than we expected, and won't come close to ending the border catastrophe the President created."

Asked about Johnson's comments, Lankford acknowledged the challenge of drawing such a quick conclusion of the robust bill.

"People are throwing all these great hyperboles out there before they've really had a chance to be able to read through it and to be able to go through," Lankford told ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott. "It's interesting -- I've had folks saying, 'Hey this is really technical, it's going to take days or weeks to be able to read through it -- yet within minutes or hours they were saying, 'Hey, I oppose it because I've gone through it.'"

Senators did not give a clear read out of how much time they believed they'd need to consider this.

But several did say that any path forward would need to involve opportunities to offer amendments to the package.






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