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2024-05-11 10:23 -ABC  -  497358






  获胜者可能会面对广受欢迎的前共和党州长拉里·霍根(Larry Hogan),他在最后一刻的候选人资格将这场比赛从民主党人专栏中的一场令人昏昏欲睡的比赛变成了民主党人必须在美国最蓝的州之一进行的一场比赛——除了参议院的控制权之外,一切都岌岌可危。

  “比赛非常不稳定。如果我们在一个月前进行这样的对话,我会说大卫·特隆有明显的优势。但县行政长官Alsobrooks最近在这里的表现很好,”马里兰州民主党资深策略师Len Foxwell说。他在接受美国广播公司新闻采访后在X上的一篇帖子中说,他更喜欢“两位候选人——只是特朗”。"








  “坦率地说,(Alsobrooks)没有联邦层面的经验,”Trone补充说-also brooks的支持者认为这是一个错误。




  Alsobrooks正面临着一项艰巨的任务,即通过在民主党众议员杰米·拉斯金(Jamie Raskin)和福克斯韦尔所谓的州民主机器成员等受欢迎的立法者中获得支持,与国会最富有的成员之一进行竞争。






  马里兰大学民主与公民参与中心主任迈克尔·汉默(Michael Hanmer)说:“对他们来说,这个过程的很大一部分是弄清楚谁最有机会在11月获胜,因为参议院很可能会以某种方式被削减几个席位。”




  马里兰州波托马克的选民伊丽莎白·米勒(Elizabeth Miller)说:“我认为现在我很难支持共和党候选人。”米勒对“我们政治领域的更大组成”表示担忧,并表示她在初选中投票给特龙。

  “我肯定会投民主党的票,因为控制参议院对我来说是一件大事,”18岁的首次投票者麦肯齐·金诺尔补充说。周二,当美国广播公司新闻频道(ABC News)询问他支持谁时,他仍在决定支持谁。





  但538的高级选举分析师纳撒尼尔·拉基奇(Nathaniel Rakich)给共和党在马里兰州的回升前景泼了一些冷水。


  Maryland primary to set up unexpectedly tight Senate race

  Maryland's Democratic Senate primary is careening toward a bitter finish as voters decide who to nominate in an unexpectedly competitive race in the deep blue bastion.

  Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and Rep. David Trone are the two main contenders in a primary that has sparked debates over everything from money in politics to electability to Democrats' commitment to diversity to Senate control. The primary election is next Tuesday, May 14.

  Trone, the wealthy founder of Total Wine& More and congressman in his third term, has dumped more than $50 million of his own money into the race, has racked up endorsements from congressional colleagues and has insinuated that Alsobrooks isn't ready for the major leagues of federal politics.

  Alsobrooks, a Black woman who oversees one of Maryland's largest counties in the suburbs of the nation's capital (which is also one of the country's richest majority Black counties) has consolidated support from local politicos while casting herself as an above-the-fray, grassroots contender.

  Polling shows the candidates locked in a close race. According to538's polling average in the Maryland Democratic primaryas of May 10, Trone is polling at 44.3%, while Alsobrooks follows with 38.7%.

  The victor will likely face popular former Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, whose 11th-hour candidacy turned the race from a sleepy affair safely in Democrats' column to a race Democrats have to sweat in one of the country's bluest states -- with nothing short of Senate control at stake.

  "The race is very fluid. If we were having this conversation a month ago, I'd say that there's a clear advantage for David Trone. But County Executive Alsobrooks has had a good run here as of late," said longtime Maryland Democratic strategist Len Foxwell, who, after speaking with ABC News for this story, said in a post on X that he liked "both candidates – just Trone "a little better."

  "I think it's a toss-up right now," Foxwell said.

  Trone burst onto the scene with a war chest that would prove hard for Alsobrooks to match and for virtually any candidate anywhere to replicate, blitzing the airways with advertisements as part of a nine-to-one spending advantage over his opponent. Trone and groups supporting him have spent at least $45 million on advertising in the race, rapidly eclipsing Alsobrooks and groups supporting her, who put in at least $5.6 million on advertising,per nonpartisan ad tracking firm Ad Impact.

  On top of that, Trone has the backing of congressional heavy hitters such as House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

  However, he has been tripped up in the past few weeks. A verbal slip up in which he uttered a racial slur instead of the word "bugaboo" sparked a wave of negative headlines and ushered more endorsements to Alsobrooks. Also, a recent ad supporting Trone featured one supporter saying the Senate is not a place for those who need "training wheels" -- a swipe at Alsobrooks that critics said was a punch below the belt.

  Trone apologized for the verbal slip, saying he didn't know the word was a racial slur. On Tuesday night, Trone said that the "training wheels" comment is one the supporter stands by, not one he made.

  However, the Alsobrooks campaign pointed ABC News to arecent interview with WRC-TVwhere Trone said "this job is not for someone on training wheels."

  ABC News has reached out to the Trone campaign for comment.

  "And frankly, [Alsobrooks] doesn't have the experience at the federal level," Trone added -- a mea culpa Alsobrooks' supporters panned as inadequate.

  Asked about the Trone's attacks on her experience level in Riverdale Park, Maryland, on Thursday, Alsobrooks told ABC News that the tightening of the race triggered his remarks.

  "The truth of the matter is because we are on course to win the race, he's now turned to negative attacks," Alsobrooks said to reporters.

  "My opponent has spent $62 million trying to buy this race -- after hearing about my experience, hearing about my record and about my vision for the state," Alsobrooks added.

  Alsobrooks is facing the daunting task of matching up against one of Congress' wealthiest members by building support among popular lawmakers such as Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and members of what Foxwell called the state Democratic machine.

  "[Alsobrooks] is the consummate insider [with] deep relationships inside the Annapolis clubhouse," he said. "What we're seeing is the Democratic political class and all these ads from the entire constellation of Democratic leaders in Maryland coming together behind [Alsobrooks]."

  Alsobrooks' candidacy has clear historic significance, especially in a state where more than 30% of the population is Black. No Black women currently serve in the Senate, after their already minuscule ranks dwindled from one to zero, after Vice President Kamala Harris departed for the White House.

  "Black women deserve to be in all spaces where decisions are being made. It is shameful that in 2024, we do not currently have a Black woman serving in the United States Senate," Dominik Whitehead, NAACP Vice President of Campaigns said in a statement to ABC News.

  Taken together, the clashing appeals of the two candidates have set the stage for a race that observers said either Alsobrooks or Trone could win.

  Towering over the race is Hogan, who hasn't run in a presidential year or for federal office in more than 30 years, but has a track record of winning over Democratic voters, making electability against the two-term former governor the heartbeat of the race rather than any of the minimal policy disagreements between Alsobrooks and Trone.

  "A big part of the process for them is figuring out who has the best chance to win in November because it's likely that the Senate is going to be chipped by a few seats one way or the other," said Michael Hanmer, the director of the University of Maryland's Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement.

  At a Tuesday night rally at a movie theater in Silver Spring, Maryland, Trone led a "beat Hogan!" chant and said that his record and experience means he has what it takes to win in the general election, even as he struggled to differentiate himself from Alsobrooks.

  "This election, the U.S. Senate is at stake. Our democracy could be at stake," Trone told the crowd.

  Interviews with voters revealed a particular attention to party control of the Senate next year and who could give Hogan a tougher challenge.

  "I think right now, it's really hard for me to support Republican candidates in general," said Potomac, Maryland, voter Elizabeth Miller, who voiced worries about the "greater composition of our political sphere" and said she voted for Trone in the primary.

  "I'm for sure voting Democrat just because having control in the Senate is such a big deal for me," added 18-year-old first-time voter Mackenzie Kinol, who was still deciding who to support when asked by ABC News on Tuesday.

  Amid the Democratic infighting, Republicans are chomping at the bit to have Hogan on their general election ballot this November.

  Sen. Steve Daines R-Mont., head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said last week that Hogan's favorable polling and posture as a "maverick" who breaks with both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden would make him competitive in November.

  "He has a maverick kind of brand as a popular two-term Republican governor in a blue state. Marylanders -- they trust him. He's got a proven track record. And Larry Hogan is just a terrific candidate," Daines said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington, D.C.

  Daines echoed Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell, whotold Politico last weekthat he thought Maryland was in play for Republicans this cycle, along with Ohio, Montana and Pennsylvania.

  But Nathaniel Rakich, senior elections analyst at 538, threw some cold water on Republican's Maryland pickup prospects.

  "In 2020, only one state voted for different parties for president and Senate. In 2016, none did. Perhaps it could happen this year in a swing state, but Maryland voted for Biden by 33 percentage points in 2020, and he will probably win it by a similar margin in 2024. A Senate candidate overperforming his party's presidential candidate by that much is virtually unheard of," Rakich said.






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