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2024-06-04 10:29 -ABC  -  251983







  五名民主党人正在争夺金的席位,包括州议会议员兼副议长(兼医生和律师)赫伯·康纳威。康纳威赢得了所有三个县民主大会的支持在该地区和,如果“线”没有被废除,将是明确的最爱。但如果没有线投票的额外推动,康纳威将面临一些竞争,特别是同为议员的民主党党鞭卡罗尔·墨菲(Carol Murphy),她与康纳威一起代表该州第七立法区。然而,康纳威仍有筹资优势,它有筹集了50多万美元第二高的加注者(墨菲)赢得了超过16万美元。












  蒙大拿州东部的三分之二构成了该州的深红色第二区共和党众议员马特·罗森戴尔(Matt Rosendale)退休后,该职位一直空缺。现任肯定让政界猜测这个选举周期,因为他宣布期待已久的二月初竞选美国参议员,却很快辍学了在特朗普支持另一名共和党竞选人、商人蒂姆·希伊(现在预计他将轻松赢得周二的共和党初选与...对峙现任民主党参议员约翰·特斯)。那就罗森戴尔吧宣布他将寻求连任,但是他很快收回了那个决定也是,而是选择了退休。

  一群拥挤的共和党竞选者已经成形在接替罗森戴尔的竞选中,包括三位现在或曾经担任全州职务的政治家:蒙大拿州审计员特洛伊·唐宁;代表该州旧网络普通用户区的前众议员Denny Rehberg六个任期直到他在2012年输掉了参议员竞选;和州公共教育总监埃尔西·阿恩岑。唐宁已经建立了强大的筹款优势—他已经筹集了180万美元其中100多万美元是他自己掏腰包的。与此同时,阿恩岑和雷伯格提出$871,000和$602,000两位候选人的自筹资金都至少达到了总数的四分之三。


  这我们在这里看到的投票表明雷伯格有了一个很好的开始,可能是因为他的名字的知名度,但唐宁一直在进步。一;一个二月初调查由摩尔信息发现雷伯格领先的领域据说受到鼓励他的复出努力。更多最近的调查发现唐宁领先,尽管来自支持唐宁的来源。四月中旬的调查通过向导轮询唐宁的竞选战略发现他的支持率为38 %,雷伯格为26 %,阿恩岑的支持率又回到了10%。和五月初的民意测验由Cygnal为亲唐宁集团选举有原则的退伍军人给他28%至12%领先于雷伯格,与阿恩岑在一位数。

  4 primaries to watch in New Jersey, Montana and Iowa

  While 538 won't be live-blogging the results this time around (though we're always live-blogging in our hearts), that doesn't mean Tuesday's primaries won't have any action. Between a criminal trial casting a shadow on multiple races in the Garden State, a hotly contested swing seat in Iowa, and a million-dollar race for an open seat in Montana, there's plenty to keep an eye on as voters head to the polls this week. Here are four races to watch in New Jersey, Iowa and Montana:

  New Jersey

  Races to watch:3rd and 8th congressional districts

  Polls close:8 p.m. Eastern

  Though overshadowed byanother politician'scriminal trial these past few weeks, New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez'scorruption trial has also been unfoldingin Manhattan. In many ways, that case serves as the backdrop to the most compelling primary races in the Garden State on Tuesday. For a minute, it looked like the Democratic primary race forSenateto replace Menendez would be the hot one to watch. (Menendezannounced in March he would not seek reelectionas a Democrat under mounting pressure and multiple federal charges, though he appearslikely to run as an independent.) But when New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphywithdrew from the race, she effectively left the nomination in the lap of her top competition, Rep. Andy Kim.

  In a game of political musical chairs, that left Kim's seat in New Jersey's3rd District, in the middle of the state, open. But the Senate primary also created other ripple effects across New Jersey politics. Namely, while Murphy was still in the race, Kim and other Democratic primary candidates launched a lawsuit to eliminatethe Garden State's controversial use of "county line" ballots. These ballots list candidates that receive the support of local party officials in a prominent, separate line on the ballot. A federal judge ultimately barred these ballots from being used in all of this year's Democratic primaries (the GOP still has it, for now at least), leading other races — including in the 3rd — to suddenly become more competitive.

  Five Democrats are vying for Kim's seat, including state Assembly member and deputy speaker (and doctor and lawyer) Herb Conaway. Conawaywon the endorsement of all three county Democratic conventionsin the district and, had "the line" not been abolished, would have been the clear favorite. But without the added boost of the line ballot, Conaway has some competition, in particular fellow Assembly member Carol Murphy, the Democratic whip who represents the state's 7th Legislative District alongside Conaway. However, Conaway still has a fundraising advantage, havingraised over half a million dollarswhile the next highest raiser (Murphy) drew in over $160,000.

  The most recent polling, from April, showed Conaway with a 14-point lead over Murphy. And even Murphy's campaign polling showed her behind Conaway, though a majority of respondents in both polls were still undecided. Still, it's worth watching to see just how long the shadow of the county line ballot may be. Looking forward to the general election, this district used to be somewhat competitive, but got a lot bluer in the most recent redistricting cycle. Under the current map, the 3rd District went for President Joe Biden by 14 percentage points in 2020, so it's a decent bet that whoever wins the Democratic primary will sail into the seat.

  Meanwhile, up in the8th District— which includes some of the most urban stretches of the state including Jersey City, Hoboken and Elizabeth — Rep. Rob Menendez is seeking reelection to a second term. And yes, there is a relation: Menendez is the Senator's son. He's facing two challengers in the Democratic primary, though his main competition is civil rights attorney and Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla. Bhalla has been leveraging the legal troubles of his competitor's father to his advantage. In hiscampaign announcement video, Bhalla said he believes "America is better than [...] the politicians who strive only to serve themselves," over a clip of Menendez walking alongside his father. And he's been all too happy to bring up the elder Menendez's legal troubles whentrading barbs with the son online.

  But Rep. Menendez hasn't shied away from the subject,releasing an adwhere he accused Bhalla of running "against my father because he's scared of running against me." Though Bhalla hasoutraised Menendez, the incumbent Congressman has benefited fromoutside spending, and polling hasshown the two fairly evenly matched. It will definitely be a race to watch, as we see whether the son can outrun the sins of the father, or if Democrats in this solid blue district want a fresh start.


  Race to watch:3rd Congressional District

  Polls close:9 p.m. Eastern

  With such a closely-divided U.S. House of Representatives, the outcome in hotly contested seats like Iowa's3rd Districtwill likely decide control of the chamber this November. In 2022, Republican Rep. Zach Nunn flipped this Des Moines-based seat for the GOPwith a margin of victory smaller than 1 percentage point, and former President Donald Trump would've carried the district by just 0.3 points in the 2020 presidential election. Two Democrats are vying in Tuesday's primary for the right to take on Nunn: former U.S. Department of Agriculture official Lanon Baccam and nonprofit leader Melissa Vine.

  Baccam, whose parents immigrated to Iowa from Laos in 1980, is the clear favorite in the Democratic primary. Much of the party establishmenthas rallied behind him, including the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, whichbacked Baccam's candidacywellbefore the primary. Baccam has thoroughly outraised Vine, too, having brought innearly $2 milliontoher $155,000as of mid-May. And Vine made news for the wrong reasons in May when the state Ethics and Campaign Disclosurefined Vine and her former campaign managerfor making contributions to a state political action committee in other people's names ahead of an endorsement vote by the group. Still, Vine can't be written off: Shehas centered her campaignaroundprotecting abortion rightsand her nonprofit work to help women struggling with trauma and mental health issues.


  Race to watch:2nd Congressional District

  Polls close:10 p.m. Eastern

  The eastern two-thirds of Montana make up the state's dark-red2nd District, which sits open following the retirement of Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale. The incumbent certainly kept the political world guessing this election cycle, ashe announceda long-expected bid for the U.S. Senate in early February,only to quickly drop outafter Trump endorsed another Republican contender, businessman Tim Sheehy (who's now expected to easily win Tuesday's GOP primary andface off againstincumbent Democratic Sen. John Tester). Rosendale thenannounced that he'd seek reelection, buthe rapidly backtracked on that decision, too, and instead chose to retire.

  A crowded field of Republican contendershas taken shapein the race to succeed Rosendale, including three politicians who hold or have held statewide office: Montana state Auditor Troy Downing; former Rep. Denny Rehberg, who represented the state's old at-large districtfor six termsuntil he lost a Senate race in 2012; and state Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen. Downing has built a big fundraising edge —he's raised $1.8 million, of which a little over $1 million has come out of his own pocket. Arntzen and Rehberg, meanwhile, have raised$871,000and$602,000, respectively, with both candidates having self-funded at least three-quarters of their totals.

  Downing, who was elected as state auditor in 2020 after a failed Senate campaign in 2018, appears to be the favorite here.He's been the principal spender on advertising— as of May 15, he'd mademore than $850,000 in outlaysfor media and digital ad buys. Downing has pitched himselfas a conservative Trump supporterandcritic of Biden's immigration policies. By comparison, Arntzen hasspent about $375,000on ads to argue that she's stood up to "Biden's woke agenda" and wants to deport undocumented immigrants. She has tried to position herself as the most conservative choice,promising to jointhe hard-right House Freedom Caucus if she wins. Rehberghas promoted himselfas an experienced hand, but his campaign seems skeletal in nature: Two-thirds of his expenditures have been to pay back a large chunk of what he loaned his campaign, he's spent onlyaround $100,000on media buys andhis campaign's websiteis very bare-bones.

  Thepolling we've seen heresuggests that Rehberg got off to a strong start, likely due to his name recognition, but it's Downing who's been gaining. Anearly February surveyby Moore Information found Rehberg leading the field, whichreportedly encouragedhis comeback bid. More recent surveys have found Downing in the lead, albeit from pro-Downing sources.A mid-April surveyby Guidant Polling& Strategy for Downing's campaign found him at 38 percent and Rehberg at 26 percent, with Arntzen well back at 10 percent. Andan early May pollby Cygnal for the pro-Downing group Elect Principled Veterans gave him a 28-percent-to-12-percent lead over Rehberg, with Arntzen in the single digits.






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