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2024-06-04 10:26 -ABC  -  105147









  埃尔帕索市长Oscar Leeser也证实他将出席。他在一份声明中告诉ABC新闻:“埃尔帕索是一个热情的社区,这让我感到非常自豪,但没有一个社区能够继续我们在这场人道主义危机中无休止地投入的努力和资源。我们感谢联邦政府为我们提供的资金,这样我们的努力就不会落在埃尔帕索纳税人的肩上。但是我们的移民系统已经崩溃,国会必须制定一项两党长期计划,与其他国家合作,为我们的国家建立一个更易于管理、更人道、更可持续的移民系统。


  Biden to sign executive order on immigration as early as this week: Sources

  President Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order onimmigrationas early as this week, according to sources familiar with the decision.

  The long-awaited executive order would limit the number of migrants that would be allowed to claim asylum at the southern U.S. border. It would immediately send them back to their country of origin to wait until the daily average goes down and, once it goes down, they would be able to claim asylum, according to a source familiar.

  The daily number of encounters has to hit 2,500 for the provision to kick in, according to sources briefed on the situation, meaning that one day of more than 2,500 migrants would trigger the provision of limiting asylum at the border.

  In recent days, members of Congress have been briefed on the executive action, according to sources familiar with the briefings.

  Any executive order, administration officials caution, would be challenged in court.

  "I anticipate that if the president would take executive action, and whatever that executive action would entail, it will be challenged in the court," Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told reporters last month at Department of Homeland Security headquarters.

  Mayorkas and other members of the administration have urged Congress to pass the bipartisan border bill that was negotiated and proposed earlier this year.

  A spokesperson for Brownsville, Texas, Mayor John Cowen confirmed to ABC News that the White House invited him to a meeting at the White House on Tuesday for an immigration-related announcement, and he will be attending.

  El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser also confirmed he is attending. He told ABC News in a statement: "El Paso is a welcoming community, and that makes me very proud, but no community can continue the effort and resources we've expended on this humanitarian crisis endlessly. We are appreciative of the funding we have received from the federal government so that our efforts don't fall on the backs of El Paso taxpayers, but our immigration system is broken, and it is critical that Congress work on a bipartisan long-term plan to work with other countries in order to create a more manageable, humane and sustainable immigration system for our country.

  "I look forward to hearing more about the president's plan on Tuesday, and we stand ready to work with our partners at the local, state and federal level on this effort," he added.






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