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2024-07-03 09:32 -ABC  -  202217






  “特朗普总统的竞选筹款活动日复一日,月复一月地蓬勃发展。高级竞选顾问克里斯·拉西维塔(Chris LaCivita)和苏西·怀尔斯(Susie Wiles)在一份声明中写道:“本季度的胜利给我们带来了手头现金的优势,这种优势被拜登的烧钱率所打断,而这种烧钱率在增长,却没有给他们带来切实的结果。”。

  拜登的竞选经理Julie Chavez Rodriguez表示,“Q2的筹款活动证明了坚定支持总统和副总统的坚定支持者的坚定和不断增长的基础,也清楚地证明了我们的选民理解在这次选举中拜登总统为美国人民而战和唐纳德·特朗普作为一名被定罪的重罪犯为自己而战之间的选择。”




  As questions swirl about fitness for office, Biden campaign outraised Trump in June fundraising haul

  PresidentJoe Bidenand his allied groups registered their largest fundraising month of the campaign in June, his campaign announced, as his team seeks to spotlight good news amid a torrent of questions about the president's capabilities to run the country afterhis debate performance last week.

  The Biden operation raised $127 million in June, part of a total $264 million raised from April through June, the campaign said.

  Former PresidentDonald Trump's campaign, the Republican Party and their joint fundraising announced raising $111.8 million in the month of June, a little short of the Biden campaign fundraising from the same month.

  The Trump team, however, is entering July with a bigger cash on hand than the Biden team. The Trump campaign and the Republican Party together ending June with $285 million compared to the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party ending the month with $240 million.

  This is because Trump had outraised Biden two months in a row earlier this year, including theTrump team's $141 million May hauldwarfing the Biden team's $85 million total that month.

  "President Trump's campaign fundraising operation is thriving day after day and month after month. Winning this quarter brought us a cash on hand advantage, which is punctuated by a Biden burn rate that grows while yielding no tangible results for them," senior campaign advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles wrote in a statement.

  Biden's campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said the "Q2 fundraising haul is a testament to the committed and growing base of supporters standing firmly behind the President and Vice President and clear evidence that our voters understand the choice in this election between President Biden fighting for the American people and Donald Trump fighting for himself as a convicted felon."

  The campaign on Tuesday sought to contrast that with Trump, who a spokesperson accused of "running a campaign for his ultra-rich friends and corporations, not the American people."

  The Biden campaign touted the nearly $40 million raised in the final days of the month, which happened to be in the wake of the debate performance.

  The Biden operation raised a majority of its June money from grassroots, small-dollar donors, a fact the campaign highlighted to indicate the breadth of enthusiasm for the president.






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