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2024-07-22 10:02 -ABC  -  197468














  纽约州民主党众议员贾马尔·鲍曼;众议员普拉米拉贾亚帕尔,D-华盛顿。;加利福尼亚州民主党众议员阿米·贝拉;加利福尼亚州民主党众议员埃里克·斯瓦尔韦尔;得克萨斯州众议员华金·卡斯特罗;加利福尼亚州民主党众议员萨卢德·卡巴贾尔;密歇根州众议员丹·基尔迪;密歇根州众议员哈利·史蒂文斯;众议员柯里·布什。;众议员罗莎·德劳罗,康涅狄格州;佛罗里达州众议员麦克斯韦·弗罗斯特;佛罗里达州众议员弗雷德里卡·威尔逊;内华达州民主党众议员苏西·李;加利福尼亚州民主党众议员约翰·加拉门迪;众议员汉克约翰逊,D-Ga。;威斯康星州众议员格温·摩尔;众议员肖恩·卡斯特恩,伊利诺伊州。;纽约州民主党众议员里奇·托雷斯;众议员吉姆·克莱伯恩,南卡罗来纳州;密歇根州众议员黛比·丁格尔;弗吉尼亚州民主党众议员鲍比·斯科特;弗吉尼亚州众议员Don Beyer和俄勒冈州众议员Suzanne Bonamici。亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯,纽约,伊尔汉·奥马尔,D-明。马萨诸塞州艾安娜·普莱斯利。迪莉娅·拉米雷斯。格雷格卡萨尔,得克萨斯州,李夏苏,宾夕法尼亚州立大学。密苏里州柯里·布什。




  Ayanna Pressley在X上写道,“感谢您的敬业服务总裁@JoeBiden。还有@KamalaHarris。我全押了,走吧。#BlackWomenLead。"






  参议员Mazie Hirono,D-夏威夷;弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员蒂姆·凯恩;弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员马克·华纳;明尼苏达州参议员蒂娜·史密斯;华盛顿参议员帕蒂·默里。;马萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦。;马萨诸塞州参议员埃德·马基。;康涅狄格州民主党参议员克里斯·墨菲;加利福尼亚州民主党参议员拉蓬扎·巴特勒;明尼苏达州民主党参议员艾米·克洛布查尔;民主党参议员克里斯·库恩斯。;亚利桑那州参议员马克·凯利和加利福尼亚州参议员帕迪拉











  德克萨斯州众议员劳埃德·道格特(Lloyd Doggett)是第一个呼吁拜登在总统竞选中让位的众议院民主党人,早在7月2日,他就对拜登的决定表示赞赏,但对支持哈里斯表示了反对。












Harris thanks Biden as she receives growing chorus of endorsements

  Vice President Kamala Harris thanked President Joe Biden for his leadership following the news Sunday that hewill not continue his bid for reelection.

  Her statement comes amid a growing chorus of endorsements for her candidacy in the 2024 presidential race.

  "On behalf of the American people, I thank Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as president of the United States and for his decades of service to our country," she said in a statement released Sunday.

  Watch the ABC News special, "Biden Stands Down: The Race for the White House," tonight from 7-9 p.m. ET on ABC and ABC News Live.

  Election 2024 updates: Harris says she intends to seek nomination for president

  "His remarkable legacy of accomplishment is unmatched in modern American history, surpassing the legacy of many presidents who have served two terms in office," she said.

  Harris garners wave of endorsements

  Biden endorsed Harris in his statement on his exiting the race, offering his "full support and endorsement" for her to be the Democratic Party's presidential nominee.

  At a July 11 press conference, Biden also hinted at his belief in Harris' ability to lead, saying at the time: "I wouldn't have picked her unless I thought she was qualified to be president."

  Ina poll released July 11, asking if Harris were to replace Biden as the nominee, vote choices were 49-46%, Harris-Donald Trump, among all adults (and 49-47%, respectively, among registered voters). Harris' 49% was slightly better than Biden's 46%, although she doesn't have a statistically significant lead over Trump, the poll found.

  Former President Bill Clinton and former presidential candidate and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also endorsed Harris on Sunday.

  "We are honored to join the president in endorsing Vice President Harris and will do whatever we can to support her," the two said in a statement on X.

  In the House, Harris has received endorsements so far from:

  Rep. Jamal Bowman, D-N.Y.; Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.; Rep. Ami Bera, D-Calif.; Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif.; Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas; Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Calif.; Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich.; Rep. Haley Stevens, D-Mich.; Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo.; Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.; Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla.; Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla.; Rep. Susie Lee, D-Nev.; Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.; Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga.; Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis.; Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill.; Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y.; Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C.; Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich.; Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va.; Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., and Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Min., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Delia Ramirez, D-Ill., Greg Casar, D-TX, Summer Lee, D-Penn., Cori Bush, D-MO.

  Several House reps reacted to Harris' nomination Sunday, issuing statements of support and thanking Biden for his decision to step down.

  "Kamala Harris will be the next President of the United States. I pledge my full support to ensure her victory in November. Now more than ever, it is crucial that our party and country swiftly unite to defeat Donald Trump and the threat to American democracy. Let’s get to work," Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement.

  Ilhan Omar wrote on X, "Thank you, Mr. President. This was the president’s decision to make and I’m grateful for his years of service to our country. Thrilled to support @KamalaHarris as our Democratic nominee and remain committed to working alongside her to defeat Donald Trump in November."

  Ayanna Pressley wrote on X, "Thank you for your dedicated service President @JoeBiden. And @KamalaHarris. I’m all in, let’s go. #BlackWomenLead."

  Delia Ramirez wrote, "We must defeat Donald Trump. VP @KamalaHarris is the proven, qualified leader ready to move our country forward. She has my endorsement. I look forward to working with her to realize a permanent ceasefire, immigration reform, and a bold agenda that centers working families."

  Greg Casar, D-TX, posted "I am ready to elect @KamalaHarris as President. Together we can defeat Trump in November — and together we can raise wages for workers, restore abortion rights, win a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, and preserve our democracy for generations to come."

  Jamaal Bowman wrote "Now that President Biden has suspended his campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is the most qualified and best choice to lead us forward."

  Read President Joe Biden's full letter announcing he's leaving 2024 race

  In the Senate, Harris has received endorsements so far from:

  Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii; Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va.; Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.; Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn.; Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.; Sen. Ed Markey, D- Mass.; Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn.; Sen. Laphonza Butler, D-Calif.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del.; Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., and Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif.

  In her statement Sunday, Harris continued, "It is a profound honor to serve as his vice president, and I am deeply grateful to the president, [first lady] Dr. [Jill] Biden, and the entire Biden family. I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We were friends from our days working together as attorneys general of our home states. As we worked together, Beau would tell me stories about his dad. The kind of father -- and the kind of man -- he was. And the qualities Beau revered in his father are the same qualities, the same values, I have seen every single day in Joe's leadership as president: His honesty and integrity. His big heart and commitment to his faith and his family. And his love of our country and the American people."

  Former Sec. of State John Kerry threw his weight behind Harris,writing on X, "For democracy, alliances, economic fairness, and the future of our planet, now is the time to listen to the only person who has ever beaten Donald Trump, and join with President Biden in every effort to make Vice President Harris the next President of the United States. No citizen of good conscience should stay on the sidelines."

  Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro also backed Harris, calling her a "patriot worthy of our support."

  "I've known Kamala Harris for nearly two decades – we’ve both been prosecutors, we've both stood up for the rule of law, we've both fought for the people and delivered results. Kamala Harris is a patriot worthy of our support and she will continue the work of generations of Americans who came before us to perfect our union, protect our democracy, and advance real freedom. She has served the country honorably as Vice President and she is ready to be President," Shapiro said in his statement.

  "The best path forward for the Democratic Party is to quickly unite behind Vice President Harris and refocus on winning the presidency," he continued. "The contrast in this race could not be clearer and the road to victory in November runs right through Pennsylvania – where this collective work began. I will do everything I can to help elect Kamala Harris as the 47th President of the United States."

  Several notable figures abstain from immediately endorsing Harris

  Despite the wave of support from some Democratic figures, others did not immediately endorse Harris on Sunday.

  Former President Barack Obama did not mention Harris in his statement on Biden's exit. Instead, he focused on his experience in the White House with Biden as his vice president: "Sixteen years ago, when I began my search for a vice president, I knew about Joe's remarkable career in public service. But what I came to admire even more was his character  --  his deep empathy and hard-earned resilience; his fundamental decency and belief that everyone counts," Obama said in a statement.

  Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.Y., also did not mention Harris in his statement on Biden's exit.

  "I cannot overstate the gravity of the noble and history-making decision that President Biden just made. The feeling that I have right now is one of profound gratitude," Booker said.

  Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett, who was the first House Democrat to call on Biden to step aside in the presidential race, back on July 2, applauded Biden's decision but put the breaks on endorsing Harris.

  "Once again President Biden comes through for America, putting country over ego in a way that Donald Trump never could," Doggett said, in part.

  He added, "While, with President Biden's endorsement, Vice President Harris is clearly the leading candidate, we should be open to all talented individuals who wish to be considered."

  Some donors express excitement

  Some Democratic donors who previously planned to withhold their campaign contributions told ABC News on Sunday that they are now excited to coalesce their support around Vice President Harris, even if she was not their first pick to replace Joe Biden at the top of the ticket

  "I don't think that having some kind of bitter inner party fight over the nomination is going to help. If Biden is endorsing Harris, then I think that basically decides it," said one donor who initially pledged to contribute more than $1.8 million to Biden before withholding their contribution over concerns about Biden's viability as the nominee.

  Reacting to Biden's decision to drop out of the race and endorse Harris, that same donor said they now plan to resume their pledged contribution to Harris.

  "I just texted Rufus Gifford," the donor said, referring to the Biden-Harris campaign finance chair. "I told him I'm all in."

  Another donor -- who originally said that she planned to withhold her contribution and preferred an open convention -- told ABC News that she now fully supports Harris following Biden's withdrawal and endorsement.

  "I am convinced that 100% of us will get behind her," said the donor, who previously held a fundraiser for Biden in her home. "Some people are getting their funds transfer information organized as we speak."

  Some of the donors who spoke with ABC News were not enthusiastic about Harris compared to other Democratic politicians -- including California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer -- but described Harris as the inevitable nominee.

  "I can't see how any other serious candidate could come out at this point and say, I'm running for the nomination against Harris," another Democratic donor said.






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