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2024-09-03 11:03 -ABC  -  142239

  R-S.C .参议员林赛·格雷厄姆说,他“心碎了,崩溃了,疯了”六名人质的尸体在周六被发现在加沙。

  以色列国防军发言人少将·丹尼尔·哈加里说,人质中包括23岁的以色列裔美国人赫什·戈德堡-波林,“在我们接近他们之前不久,就被哈马斯恐怖分子残酷杀害了”。以色列国防军官员确认另外5名人质为Carmel Gat、Eden Yerushalmi、Alexander Lobanov、Almog Sarusi和Ori Danino中士。




  当时,哈里斯的一名助手向ABC新闻坚持说,副总统没有主持会议是因为日程安排冲突,而不是抵制或冷落以色列总理。当卡尔周日追问共和党副总统候选人JD Vance也决定不参加演讲时,格雷厄姆为这位俄亥俄州参议员辩护说:“JD一直明确支持以色列。她(哈里斯)很糟糕。她是慢行武器。她没有参加演讲,这让该地区的每一个恐怖分子都兴奋起来。”












  Lindsey Graham 'heartbroken, devastated' over 6 hostages recovered in Gaza

  Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said he is "heartbroken, devastated, mad" over thesix hostages whose bodies were recovered Saturdayin Gaza.

  The hostages, which included 23-year-old Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, "were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists shortly before we reached them," Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said. IDF officials identified the additional five hostages as Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and Master Sgt. Ori Danino.

  "If you want the hostages home, which we all do, you have to increase the cost to Iran. Iran is the great Satan. Hamas is the junior partner. They're barbaric, religious Nazis -- Hamas, they could care less about the Palestinian people," Graham told "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl during an interview on Sunday. "I would urge the Biden administration and Israel to hold Iran accountable for the fate of [the] remaining hostages and put on the target list oil refineries in Iran if the hostages are not released."

  Graham urged President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "tell the Ayatollah [Ali Khamenei] what he values is on the target list. Until that happens, nobody is coming home."

  Graham, one of former President Donald Trump's closest allies on Capitol Hill, also criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for not attending Netanyahu'sspeech to a joint session of Congress in July, saying: "She boycotted Bibi's speech to Congress, sending a signal to Hamas and Iran that America does not really have Israel's back."

  At the time, a Harris aide insisted to ABC News that the vice president did not preside because of a scheduling conflict, not to boycott or snub the Israeli prime minister. When pressed by Karl on Sunday that Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance also decided to not attend the address, Graham defended the Ohio senator, saying: "JD has been unequivocally supporting Israel. She [Harris] has been horrible. She is slow-walking weapons. She did not attend the speech, and that juiced up every terrorist in the region."

  "I would say on foreign policy, she [Harris] has been a wrecking ball," Graham said.

  Graham said Trump should highlight her failure on foreign policy and her role with the southern U.S. border at theABC News presidential debate scheduled for Sept. 10.

  While he acknowledged Harris "obviously has some talent" given her political experience, Graham said overall "her job performance has been lousy" as vice president. He urged Trump to focus on issues in a head-to-head race, saying: "Every poll says the same thing. The American people trust you with what matters the most to them -- the economy, inflation, border security and just managing the government."

  "If I were you, my friend, I would focus on those issues laser-like and you will win this race," he added.

  Trump last weekadded a new campaign pledge to get IVF paid for by the government or covered by insurance. When asked Sunday about Trump's IVF announcement, Graham told Karl: "I think he [Trump] just tried to show his support for IVF treatments that, you know, we've been accused, the party has, of being against birth control. We are not. We've been accused of being against IVF treatments. We're not."

  Graham said he'd support a tax credit for Americans using IVF and other treatments to become pregnant.

  "I would support a tax credit," Graham said. "That makes sense to me, to encourage people to have children."

  However, when pressed by Karl, the South Carolina senator said he does not support mandating insurance companies to cover what Trump proposed regarding IVF.

  "You wouldn't support this idea of mandating insurance companies to cover this, would you?" Karl asked.

  "No. No, I wouldn't because there's no end to that," he said. "I think a tax credit for children makes sense, means tested. ... I'll talk to my Democratic colleagues. We might be able to find common ground here."

  The presidential debate set to be held by ABC News will take place at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on Sept. 10 and will be moderated by "World News Tonight" anchor and managing editor David Muir and ABC News Live "Prime" anchor Linsey Davis. It will be produced in conjunction with ABC station WPVI-TV/6abc, and will air live at 9 p.m. ET on the network and on the ABC News Live 24/7 streaming network, Disney+, and Hulu.






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