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2024-09-03 11:08 -ABC  -  406213

















  方法——这项ABC News/益普索民意调查于2024年8月23日至27日通过基于概率的益普索知识小组以英语和西班牙语在全国随机抽样的2,496名成年人中进行。党派分歧是29-29-30%,民主党-共和党-无党派。结果的误差为抽样误差2个百分点,包括整个样本的设计效果。抽样误差并不是民意测验中差异的唯一来源。


  Two-thirds of Americans say Trump unprepared to accept the election outcome: POLL

  Most Americans say they and Kamala Harris alike are prepared to accept the outcome of the 2024 presidential election as legitimate.Donald Trump, not so much.

  Eighty-one percent of Americans in a new ABC News/Ipsos poll say that regardless of which candidate they support, they are prepared to accept the outcome of the election. Fewer, but still 68%, see Harris as prepared to accept the outcome. Just 29% say the same about Trump.

  Nearly all of Harris' supporters, 92%, say they personally are prepared to accept the outcome. That declines to 76% of Trump's supporters. Instead, 21% of his supporters -- which translates to 8% of all adults -- are not prepared to do so.

  Other, sharper political divisions inform views in this poll, produced for ABC News byLanger Research Associateswith fieldwork byIpsos. Just 6% of Harris' supporters think Trump is prepared to accept the election outcome, rising to a still-mild 58% among his own supporters. Ninety-seven percent of Harris' supporters think she is prepared to accept the outcome; among Trump's supporters, only 44% think the same.

  Election integrity

  Trump's election denial claims resonate with some Americans.

  One in three (34%) lacks confidence that votes in the election will be counted accurately, similar to the share who said so in 2022. Sixty-five percent are very or somewhat confident in an accurate count; just half of them, 32%, are very confident.

  Moreover, an identical 34% thinkJoe Bidendid not legitimately win the 2020 election, little changed since his inauguration.

  These views are strongly related: Nearly nine in 10 Americans who think Biden legitimately was elected are confident that votes will be counted accurately this year, dropping to 26% of those who think it wasn't legitimate.

  Views on election integrity also are associated with preparedness to accept the outcome. Among people who are confident that votes will be counted accurately, 92% say they are prepared to accept the outcome, versus 61% of those who lack confidence in the count. And 91% of those who think Biden was legitimately elected are prepared to accept this year's outcome, versus 64% of those who think not.


  There are wide gaps by partisanship in confidence in the vote count, with half of Republicans (51%) lacking confidence it will be accurate. Ninety percent of Democrats express confidence in the count, dropping to 64% of independents and just 48% of Republicans.

  In a similar pattern, 96% of Democrats think Biden was legitimately elected; 66% of independents and just 30% of Republicans agree.

  That said, partisan divisions in personal preparedness to accept the outcome this year are much milder. About eight in 10 Republicans (78%) and independents (81%) alike say they'll accept it, as do 89% of Democrats.

  Ideology is another factor: At least eight in 10 people who are liberal, moderate or somewhat conservative are prepared to accept the outcome, dropping to 64% among those who identify themselves as very conservative.

  Just 38% of very conservatives are confident that votes will be counted accurately this year, rising to 50% of somewhat conservatives, 68% of moderates and 89% of liberals. And only 21% of very conservatives think Biden legitimately won in 2020; this doubles to 42% of somewhat conservatives, then jumps to 70% of moderates and 92% of liberals.

  METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted online via the probability-based Ipsos KnowledgePanel® Aug. 23-27, 2024, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 2,496 adults. Partisan divisions are 29-29-30%, Democrats-Republicans-independents. Results have a margin ofsampling errorof 2 percentage points, including the design effect, for the full sample. Sampling error is not the only source of differences in polls.

  The survey was produced for ABC News byLanger Research Associates, with sampling and data collection by Ipsos. See details on ABC News survey methodologyhere.






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