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2019-08-03 15:00  美国新闻网  -  1588











  对总统来说,实施新关税可能是一个冒险的举动,他经常吹嘘当前的经济扩张和他的经济政策。华盛顿邮报 找到在2017年7月至2019年5月期间,越来越多的特朗普支持者将经济作为认可特朗普总统职位的理由。

  但是他的贸易政策对经济增长产生了负面影响。美联储主席杰罗姆鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)周三宣布自2008年以来的首个联邦基金利率时,指出了贸易政策的不确定性和全球增长放缓。尽管持续创纪录的经济复苏,制造业活动在2006年放缓至近三年来的低点七月。在商业投资三年来首次收缩的引导下,第二季度国内生产总值增长了2.1%,比前三个月整整下降了1%。



  NYU斯特恩商学院经济学教授劳伦斯·怀特说:“我们已经越来越成为一个以服务为导向的经济体,这种趋势很可能会继续下去。”。讲述 新闻周刊上月,特朗普将重振制造业的计划描述为“白日梦”




America's trade war with China could cost U.S. families $900 per year if the new tariffs threatened by President Donald Trump on Thursday are implemented.

Trump tweeted that he planned to levy minimum 10 percent tariffs on $300 billion more Chinese imports beginning in September. He said that the tariffs could rise to 25 percent or higher. Prior tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods imports have already hurt consumers and businesses, but the round threatened on Thursday would have a more significant impact. "Apparel, footwear, consumer electronics, and toys," will be most impacted if the new tariffs are implemented, Goldman Sachs said in a note seen by CNBC.

"What's really different about this next round of President Trump's tariffs is that they mostly hit goods bought by American consumers. For the first time, this means higher costs of clothing, shoes, toys, and a lot of consumer-electronics – all of those had been spared by Trump's trade war so far," Chad Bown, a trade policy expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), told Newsweek.

Tariffs have a disproportionate impact on poorer Americans, because the added costs from protectionist measures eat up a larger proportion of their income. Even though wealthier individuals pay more money due to tariffs, that's because they're buying more products.

Trump's prior trade moves against China, which have resulted in 25 percent tariffs on $250 billion of imports and were last raised in May, were expected to cost about $500 per household annually, Oxford Economics told Newsweek. With the new threat on $300 billion more imports, the forecaster estimated that the announced 10 percent tariffs would cost households an average $700, an amount that would rising to $900 if Trump ratchets up the tariff rate to 25 percent.

The Peterson Institute has issued a higher projection, estimating that if all tariffs reach 25 percent, their direct impact will leave households paying $1,270 more per year. And non-Chinese producers of tariffed goods have raised their own prices to profit from the trade wars, which PIIE said could further exacerbate the cost to consumers.

After Trump threatened to impose tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese imports in May, hundreds of business leaders cascaded into Washington to describe the detrimental impact of such a move. Trump has focused on China's alleged intellectual property theft and the trade imbalance between the world's two largest economies–America had a $419.2 billion trade deficit with China last year–when explaining why he is mounting the trade war. But many companies said in their testimony that tariffs on their products would unnecessarily hurt business and consumers, leaving them caught in a dispute that was unrelated to their industries.

The president's sudden announcement on Thursday, which came after top U.S. trade officials met with Chinese representatives in Shanghai, prompted another cascade of denunciations from business leaders.

"We all agree China is a bad actor, but an unprecedented tax hike on hardworking Americans is not the answer," said Jonathan Gold, a spokesperson for Tariffs Hurt the Heartland, a group of 150 of America's largest trade organizations representing retail, tech, manufacturing and agriculture. "It's time for the administration to come up with a real strategy, put a stop to harmful tariffs and finally deliver the trade deal Americans were promised."

The implementation of new tariffs could be a risky move for the president, who has regularly touted the ongoing economic expansion and his economic policies. The Washington Post found that, between July 2017 and May 2019, an increasing proportion of Trump proponents point to the economy as a reason for approving of Trump's job as president.

But his trade policies are negatively impacting economic growth. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell pointed to trade policy uncertainty and slowing global growth on Wednesday when announcing the first federal funds rate since 2008. Despite the continuation of a record-length economic recovery, manufacturing activity slowed to levels near a three-year low in July. Guided by the first contraction in business investment in three years, the GDP increased 2.1 percent in the 2nd quarter, a full percent drop from the year's first three months.

And while Trump has also promised to bring American jobs back to the U.S., his trade policies toward Beijing likely won't accomplish that.


"We have been increasingly a services-oriented economy, and that is likely to continue," Lawrence White, an economics professor at NYU's Stern School of Business, told Newsweek last month, describing Trump's plans to revive the manufacturing sector a "pipe dream."

Instead, companies have begun shifting facilities to other countries, like Vietnam, while China levies retaliatory measures against the U.S. In addition to responding with its own tariffs, Beijing has lowered tariffs for America's rivals, putting U.S. businesses at a disadvantage.

President Donald Trump sits with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and China's President Xi Jinping as they attend a meeting on the digital economy at the G20 Summit in Osaka on June 28.






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