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2021-07-29 10:03  ABC   - 





然而,戴口罩和疫苗的要求由来已久接受文化以及政治意义,拜登最新言论的余波只是提供了一种味道。前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)强烈反对授权,并考虑到一些共和党人是多么容易利用安东尼·福奇博士作为陪衬——通过提及他的名字筹集资金,甚至威胁对他采取法律行动。










邓恩说:“从来没有人在穿着国会大厦警察制服的时候,叫过我‘n * * * *’。






在5月1日的特别选举近三个月后,州众议员杰克·埃尔泽伊在周二得克萨斯州第六国会选区的决选中脱颖而出。埃尔泽伊面对共和党同僚苏珊·赖特,谁有特朗普的支持参加竞选是因为她已故丈夫、众议员罗恩·赖特(Ron Wright)的政治遗产,他于今年2月死于COVID和癌症并发症。


周一,特朗普涉入另一个备受瞩目的德州战役,支持现任司法部长肯·帕克斯顿连任。此举对土地专员乔治·布什(George P. Bush)造成了毁灭性的复杂打击,尽管这位前总统一再对他的父亲杰布·布什(Jeb Bush)发起攻击,但他是他传奇政治家族中唯一公开支持特朗普的成员。

Culture wars threaten to overtake war on COVID: The Note

The TAKE withRick Klein

It takes less than ever to find partisan grooves these days -- and the fact that they've beenetched deeperout of thefallout from Jan. 6serves as a case in point.

That's the reality that confronts President Joe Biden with thisnext uncertain phaseof combatting the pandemic.New federal guidanceon mask mandates and the consideration of a vaccinerequirement for federal workersrun into longstanding political arguments about individual liberties and personal accountability.

The push for vaccinations has become less partisan of late, with prominent Republicans adding new emphasis -- and giving special credit to theprevious administration-- to make the case.

Yet mask-wearing and vaccine requirements have long sincetaken on culturalas well as political significance, and the fallout of Biden's latest comments offer just a taste. Former President Donald Trump is offering strong pushback to mandates, and consider as well how readily some Republicans are using Dr. Anthony Fauci as a foil -- raising money off the mention of his name, and even threatening legal action against him.

Biden indicated that he will outline next steps in the push to vaccinate the country on Thursday, as some statistics showing rates going up of late. The president on Tuesday also served up a reminder that as a candidate he "promised to be straight with you about COVID -- good news or bad."

Another reminder: 11 months ago, Biden said he wouldn't hesitate to order another shutdown if that's what his advisers recommended.

"I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,"he told ABC "World News Tonight" AnchorDavid Muirlast August.

The campaign was quick to clarify that comment at the time. Biden's statement Tuesday about masks andvaccinesframed them as a way "to avoid the kind of lockdowns, shutdowns, school closures and disruptions we faced in 2020."

"We are not going back to that," the president said.

The RUNDOWN withAveri Harper

Thetestimony of Capitol Policeofficer Harry Dunn underscored the additional layer of trauma Black law enforcement officersexperienced on Jan. 6.

Dunn'sheartbreaking testimonychronicled the racial slurs he endured as hetried to defendthe seat of our nation's democracy.

Among the insurrectionists were attackers who carried Confederate flags, donned shirts with anti-Semitic messages and freely hurled the n-word at Black officers.

"No one had ever, ever called me a n***** while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer," said Dunn.

He alsobrought with himthe stories of other Black officers, later adding, "Another Black officer later told me he had been confronted by insurrectionists in the Capitol who told him, put your gun down and we'll show you what kind of n***** you really are."

For many, listening to Dunn recount the epithets stung as they werebroadcast uncensored. The attack at the Capitol is often referred to as one of ournation's darkest days, it's particularly poignant that racism crept its way into the ugliness of it all, too.

It's avile reminderthat racism in America, even in its most blatant forms, still exists.

The TIP withAlisa Wiersema

Republicans in Washington haveone more representativejoining their ranks -- but the victoryserves as an upsetto Trump, despite his looming influence over the Republican Party on a national scale.

Nearly three months after the May 1 special election, State Rep. Jake Ellzey came out on top in Tuesday's runoff election for Texas' 6th Congressional District. Ellzey faced off with fellow Republican, Susan Wright,who had Trump's backinggoing into the contest due to the political legacy of her late husband, Rep. Ron Wright, who died in February from COVID and complications with cancer.

The conclusion of the race is thelatest indicatorof the former president's looming influence over his party in a state that is increasingly becoming ground zero for intraparty battles.

On Monday, Trumpwaded into anotherhigh-profile Texan battle by endorsing incumbent Attorney General Ken Paxton for another term. The move served a devastating -- and complicated -- blow to Land Commissioner George P. Bush, who was the only member of his storied political family to publicly back Trump, despite the former president launching repeated attacks against his father, Jeb Bush.






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