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2024-01-15 08:41 -ABC  -  162506



前总统特朗普在佐治亚州选举干预案中的一名共同被告正寻求撤销对他的起诉,并取消DA Willis的资格,指控她与她引入该案的一名最高检察官“建立了私人的浪漫关系”,据称这导致他们两人都获得了经济利益。

在周一提交的法庭文件中,特朗普前竞选工作人员迈克尔·罗曼(Michael Roman)指控威利斯可能犯下了“欺骗公众诚实服务的行为”,理由是她“故意未能”披露据称她“个人从中受益”的所谓关系。

罗曼的律师阿什丽·麦钱特(Ashleigh Merchant)在127页的文件中称,检察官内森·韦德(Nathan Wade)“缺乏相关经验”,但自被任命担任这一角色以来,他已支付了约65万美元的法律费用——文件称这是一种“自私的安排”。特朗普的律师周五在法庭上表示,他们正在考虑加入对威利斯的指控。






PHOTO: Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis speaks during a news conference at the Fulton County Government building, Aug. 14, 2023, in Atlanta.

2023年8月14日,亚特兰大,富尔顿县地方检察官Fani Willis在富尔顿县政府大楼的新闻发布会上发言。














Fulton County DA Fani Willis defends special prosecutor following allegation of romantic relationship

Fulton County District AttorneyFani Willisspoke at a church in Atlanta Sunday morning where she gave emotional and passionate remarks that appeared to acknowledge for the first time the affair allegations leveled against her last week, while also defending the special prosecutor she brought in for theelection interference caseagainst Donald Trump.

"I hope for y'all this week I don't look like what I've been through," she joked as she spoke Sunday at the Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church during a service to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

One of former President Trump's co-defendants in his Georgia election interference case is seeking to dismiss the indictment against him and disqualify DA Willis, alleging she "engaged in a personal, romantic relationship" with one of the top prosecutors she brought in to work on the case, which allegedly resulted in financial gain for both of them.

In the court filing Monday, former Trump campaign staff member Michael Roman accused Willis of having potentially committed "an act to defraud the public of honest services" based on her "intentional failure" to disclose the alleged relationship that she allegedly "personally benefitted from."

The 127-page filing from Roman's attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, alleged the prosecutor, Nathan Wade, has a "lack of relevant experience" but has been paid approximately $650,000 in legal fees since being appointed to the role -- which the filing claims was a "self-serving arrangement." Trump's attorney said in court on Friday that they're considering joining in the complaint against Willis.

During her remarks Sunday, which were livestreamed, Willis repeatedly referred to herself as "flawed" and "imperfect."

Willis also said she was "a little confused" why so many questioned the decision to bring in multiple special prosecutors to the case, and though she never mentioned Wade by name, she called him a "great friend" who was paid equally to others while extensively defending his "impeccable credentials" for the job -- suggesting the attacks on him were motivated by race.

"I appointed three special counselors. It's my right to do. Paid them all the same hourly rate," Willis said. "They only attack one. I hired one white woman: a good personal friend and great lawyer, a superstar, I tell you. I hired one white man: brilliant, my friend, and a great lawyer. And I hired one Black man, another superstar, a great friend, and a great lawyer."

Willis never denied or directly addressed the allegations she and Wade had an inappropriate relationship. She continued to tout Wade's résumé, saying he was paid more than double when hired by a Republican in another county, and that he "served as a prosecutor, a criminal defense lawyer, special assistant attorney general."

"Isn't it them playing the race card when they only question one?" she said.

Speaking for more than 30 minutes, Willis' emotional speech Sunday detailed at length the difficulties she has faced in her position as Fulton County DA and prosecuting the Trump case. She spoke about feeling "isolation," "loneliness," "backstabbing" and facing constant death threats that have forced her out of her home.

"I am tired of being treated cruelly," she said.

Willis read a letter she said she wrote to God this week in which she said felt "unworthy" of the job: "Lord, even right now, I continue to feel unworthy of the honor," she said as she read the letter, while appearing to get choked up.

"A divorced single mom who doesn't belong to the right social groups. Doesn't necessarily come from the right family. Doesn't have the right pedigree. The assignment was just too high for lowly me," Willis said.

Speaking about threats against her, often fueled by race, she said she and her family members' lives have been "threatened so regularly, I now think it's not normal if I don't have two death threats a week."

"They call me the N-word more than they call me Fani," she said, while noting that her home has been swept "multiple times for bombs." She said she now spends "most days and nights" in isolation.

Willis also specifically called out Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

"I never want to be like those who attack me. I never want to be like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has never met me but has allowed her spirit to be filled with hate," she said.

Still, Willis touted the accomplishments of her team, saying they have "wins, wins, wins" and a 95% conviction rate.

"I thank you for every attack that makes me stronger," she said.

Roman, Trump and 17 others pleaded not guilty in August to all charges in asweeping racketeering indictmentfor alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia. Defendants Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, Jena Ellis and Scott Hall subsequently took plea deals in exchange for agreeing to testify against other defendants.

The former president has blasted the district attorney's investigation as being politically motivated.






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